Saturday 31 May 2014

My Truth Gives You Hope

John 11

When sorrow unexpectedly overwhelms you, you can let yourself be sad. Let go of your need to understand the sorrow, and just sit with Me. I will always hold you while you cry. 

You do not need to feel guilty for feeling sad! I, too, was overwhelmed by sorrow during My time on Earth. I was deeply moved in spirit and troubled, and I wept in response to Lazarus' death. Keep in mind that this was even though I was aware of what was coming - I knew that My Father was about to demonstrate His Resurrection Power!

Let your sadness out, and let My Spirit comfort you. Let Me lift your head and remind you of My Loving-Kindness. Let Me hold your face in My hands, look straight into your eyes and speak Hope to your spirit! I AM the Resurrection and the Life! Nothing is too hard for Me! I am wholly good and wholly trustworthy! Your HOPE is based securely on this TRUTH.

Friday 30 May 2014

Run Hard After Me

"Blessed are those who you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple." Psalm 65:4

I am inviting you to live ever close to Me, Beloved. To live each moment in the courts of My Presence.

The more deeply you are aware of your need for something, the easier it is to be truly grateful when you receive it. So remind yourself regularly that you cannot truly live without Me! My Presence gives you life and vitality! So many blessings flow out of My Presence, but the greatest is intimacy with Me. 

You do crave this with all of your being - but sometimes your everyday life distracts you from remembering or realising this. Never stop seeking more of Me, dear one. This is a quest that I delight in helping you with. This is what you were made for. 

Run hard after Me. 

Thursday 29 May 2014

Remember Me

Psalm 78

There is much you can learn from the Israelites, Beloved. Their biggest downfall was their short memory - they forgot My wondrous deeds, My Power at work in their lives. They lived too much in the present, and forgot to recite My Mighty works to themselves and their children...this led to their distrust, doubt and unbelief. Their hearts were not loyal to Me. They did not believe in Me or trust in My deliverance. They lived by sight, rather than by faith. 

"Whenever God slew them, they would seek him; they eagerly turned to him again. They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer." (Psalm 78:34-35) But it was always short-lived. I would come to their rescue, work wonders to save them, then in their contentment they would forget Me again. "Their hearts were not loyal to him, they were not faithful to his covenant." (Psalm 78:37)

I crave loyalty in My People, Beloved. It blesses My heart when My dear ones stay true to Me through hardship AND blessing. The secret to keeping your heart loyal is to REMEMBER ME. Human hearts are fickle and quick to forget. I am teaching you to train your heart to remember Me every day. When things are going smoothly, remember Me regularly with thanks and praise. When the ride is rough, remember My character, My Goodness, and this will guard against the traps of self-pity and bitterness. 

It is ALWAYS a good idea to set your thoughts on Me. Remember Me through all your wakings in the night. Remember Me in the joyous moments and in the frustrating ones too. Remember Me in all that you do, and your heart will stay steadfast!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Every Thought Counts

What you allow your mind to rest on really does matter! You cannot spend your time counting your burdens and not have that affect you. You are transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2). So be very careful how and where you allow your mind to wander. 

The enemy wants you to believe that you can indulge in "a little harmless self-pity" without it negatively affecting your heart. It's a lie! Every thought counts! Harmful thoughts breed more harmful thoughts and sour your insides. 

How you think directly impacts on how you see the world, and how you see Me. So guard your mind carefully. "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." (Philippians 4:8) I fit these adjectives perfectly! So remember, if your mind is wandering into enemy territory, fix your thoughts on Me. You will find yourself starting to count My wondrous deeds rather than counting your troubles. This is infinitely sweeter food for your soul than the bitter muck that the enemy would try to tempt you with.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Beautiful Weapon of Light

Psalm 61

You are starting yet another day in total exhaustion and weakness...I see your desperation, Beloved. I hear your cries for help. I know your heart desperately longs to be strengthened in My Presence. I see that you are afraid of failing today, of falling back into sinful habits of "D.I.Y. mode".

Yield your weakness yet again, dear one. Truly yield to My Strength. You do not need to understand the hows and whys - just trust Me to come through for you. 

Cling to Me, precious one. I am the Rock that is higher than you. I am your refuge, a strong tower against the foe (the enemy of your soul). 

Dwell deeply with Me today. Let Me shelter you under My wings. I have appointed My Love and Faithfulness to protect you. 

Sing out praise to Me - even before you "feel" better. Sing out praise because I deserve it, regardless of how you feel. You will find the act of praising Me helps to push back the darkness. Praise is a beautiful weapon of My Light! It changes YOU and it changes circumstances!

Monday 26 May 2014

Just Rest

I love you, Beloved, so very dearly! Just rest in My Love this morning. Let My Love be a balm to your weary soul. In your weariness, you are struggling to think coherent thoughts...well, just rest with Me instead. 

It is best for you to avoid over-planning your week, your day. Days rarely go to plan anyway. Rest with Me instead. I will refresh your spirit and give you new enthusiasm for life. 

Just stay here with Me and soak in My Presence. There is no better preparation for a busy day.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Sing Out

Beloved, sometimes your heart is hard towards Me. Part of you blames Me for the many difficulties you are faced with recently. The enemy has rallied another warrior against you - resentment. Resentment has joined forces with self-pity, fear and despair. 

He whispers lies to your heart about Me: "Your God could change your circumstances in the blink of an eye, so why doesn't He, if He loves you so much?"

O dear one - listen to Me! I share your tears and your heartache over the challenges that you perceive as "big", as well as over the "small" but incredibly frustrating daily battles. I know they seem so very unnecessary to you, Beloved. 

My Precious, are you willing to trust Me even through this? Are you willing to let go of every shred of self-reliance and trust Me with you whole heart? When resentment bombards you with lies, close your ears and run to Me. Drown out his voice by singing of My Love. Drown out self-pity by singing praise to Me. Sing out with your whole heart. Sing of My Strength until you really sense it. Sing as though your life depended on it! 

"They return at evening, snarling like dogs, and prowl around the city. They wander about for food and howl if not satisfied. But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God." Psalm 59:14-17

Saturday 24 May 2014

My Joy and My Delight

Psalm 57; 1 Samuel 24

You feel that the enemy has sent out fear, self-pity and despair to hotly pursue you. The temptation to give in is always before you. Even in the moments when you are walking with Me in victory, you can see your pursuers after you. 
But I am your refuge. Though self-pity prepares a pit for you to fall into; though fear plans to trap your heart - you are learning to recognise their attempts to trick you, and you are learning to turn this against them! 

When you recognise the enemy's ploys, you can use them as reminders to reconnect with Me. It is My specialty to use for good what the enemy intends for harm! This is My joy and My delight - to thwart the enemy by transforming his attempts to trap you into paths straight into My arms. 

Be on your guard, Beloved. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Train your heart to be steadfast - sing and make music to Me! Praise Me all through the day! Call to mind My Love, which reaches to the heavens; remember My Faithfulness, which stretches to the skies. Keep your heart fixed on Me. Exalt and lift Me up over every situation you face. I delight in saving you! It is My joy to fulfill My purpose for you!

Friday 23 May 2014


"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging." Psalm 46:1-3

Again I tell you, do not let your emotions dictate your response to your circumstances. No matter how dramatic and catastrophic your circumstances appear, I AM your refuge and strength. I AM ever-present with you, and your peace of mind depends largely on how willing you are to continually tune into My Presence.

I never leave you nor forsake you, Beloved. But you do have the power to cut yourself off from the awareness of My Presence, simply by fixing your eyes on your circumstances rather than on Me. It seems like a perfectly natural response to an earthquake to freak out and panic - but the safest response is to calmly retreat into your safe refuge - My Presence. 

Learn to recognise your fear response as a cue to immediately retreat into My Presence - it is only from here that you can accurately plan your next move. Here, you can begin to see things from My Perspective. What seems like a natural disaster to your eyes may in fact be the means by which I clear obstacles in preparation for a mighty work of My hands. 

Thursday 22 May 2014

Victory is Mine

"It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them. 

You are my King and my God, who decrees victories for Jacob. Through you we push back our enemies; through your name we trample our foes. 

I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame. 

In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever."  Psalm 44:3-8

I AM the Lord - victory is Mine! You can live victoriously only when you live in Me, and allow Me to work victory in and through you!

"D.I.Y. mode" is a surefire path to defeat, as it makes you think you can live victoriously apart from Me. This pride will trip you up sooner or later! 

When you live by the Light of My Face, each step that you take will be a step in victory - pushing back the enemy, trampling the foe. But when you lose sight of My Face, you walk blindly. 

The enemy would have you believe that what you can see around you is the highest reality, and therefore, the most trustworthy source of information that you can base your decisions on. This is a lie, Beloved! When you walk by sight, you walk in blindness.

In My upside down Kingdom, you cannot really see where you are going until you take your eyes off of your circumstances and surroundings, and fix them on My Face. Your feet cannot help but step in the right places when your eyes are glued to my Face! 

Your surroundings and circumstances give you false and incomplete information. But I AM the Lord your God - the Beginning and the End. I see all of eternity from every perspective and angle. Do you not think that perhaps I might be a more reliable source of information about the best way forward?? Ha ha!! 

Like someone trying to navigate their way through a minefield or laser trap, you insist on trying to make out that which is invisible to human eyes. I am above you, and can guide you safely through, dear one! Fix your eyes on Me!

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Expect the Unexpected!

Psalm 77

When you feel desperate for My intervention in your life, but cannot see any indication of My hand at work, you tend to slip into despair. Like the Psalmist, you may even question My Love in those dark moments. (Psalm 77:1-9)

Follow the Psalmist's example - focus your mind on who I AM and on what I CAN DO! Meditate on My works and consider all My mighty deeds. (Ps 77:10-12) Let your heart marinate in My Word - in so many examples of My Power at work in the lives of My People. (Ps 77:15-20)

Like the Psalmist, you too will shout out: "Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? YOU ARE THE GOD WHO PERFORMS MIRACLES; you display your power among the peoples." (Psalm 77:13-14)

Remember, Beloved - rarely do My miracles take the form or the timing that My People expect or hope for. I am NOT a cosmic genie or divine magician. I am SO MUCH GREATER, dear one! 

When you place your hope securely in the truth of WHO I AM, it is right to expect the unexpected. But don't expect the unexpected to show up in the way you expect it to! HA! 

My Creativity knows no bounds! Watch and see what I shall do!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Resplendent With Light

"You are resplendent with light, more majestic than mountains rich with game." Psalm 76:4

Refuse to feel guilty for making this time with Me a priority in your life. When your precious children try their best to distract you, calmly and kindly explain to them what you are doing and why it is so important. It is good for them to see you putting Me first in your day. Do not feel bad for jealously protecting our time together. 

Now, come close and let yourself be lost in My gaze...I am resplendent with light. Let My Light illuminate your spirit this morning. Forget the day ahead that seems so dizzying...just enjoy My Presence! 

Shake off all distractions and just press in. Sometimes you need to be silent, and other times you need to speak out. Praise and extol Me, thank Me and lift Me high over every area of your life. Keep speaking out your thanks and praise until you are able to press through all distractions.

Monday 19 May 2014

Not Hard, Impossible

This life is not meant to be hard, it is meant to be impossible without My life living through you. You will never have enough strength, love, patience, joy, or peace in your own supply. Keep on drawing on My Strength, My Love, My Joy, My Patience, and My Peace through your day.

You are feeling content with the way things have started out today because you are aware of My presence and have been relying on My Strength. But be wary of your heart's tendency to cruise on this success and slip straight into "D.I.Y. mode". 

Keep on checking in with Me, Beloved. Do not give up on pressing in.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Seeking Answers

Dear one, have you become so cautious of seeking Me for things rather than for Myself that you have ceased to bring specific problems to Me for a solution? You have grown accustomed to hearing from Me...wisdom for your daily walk; and yet, are you afraid to seek to hear from Me on a specific problem you need an answer for?

Beloved - it is nonsensical to NOT come to Me for the answer you so desperately need. Otherwise, you stumble along in "D.I.Y mode". Do you trust Me enough to act on My answer, even if it differs from worldly wisdom, scientific research or "common sense"? Do you really want to hear My solution?

I see that you question your own motives, dear one. You know your own weaknesses - desire for control, operating out of fear...but you are finding yourself in the same situations with your kids over and over, and you feel lost without a strategy. It is causing tension in your relationships, and you find yourself reacting out of fear. Seek Me for a strategy for the sake of your marriage, your kids' health, and for peace in your home. I do not wish to berate you for seeking an answer, Beloved. Keep bringing it to Me until you hear loud and clear. Be like the persistent widow. 

Saturday 17 May 2014

Hope Casts Out Despair

"When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me, til I entered the sanctuary of God." Psalm 73:16-17

"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you." 1 Peter 4:12

Your eyes have slipped from My Face, Beloved. Despair is creeping in to your heart. Look up - remember where your help comes from. Although it feels like wave after wave of difficulty is washing over you, I hold you firm. I will not let you drown, my darling. I am allowing these waves to wash away each and every crutch, all the flotsam and jetsam that you cling to for a false sense of security. I AM your salvation. These other things you cling to cannot save you! Sleep, health, material possessions, rely far too heavily on these to comfort you. You place your trust in these things far more readily than you trust in Me. 

Be still before Me and know that I AM GOD! You are always with Me, and I hold you by your right hand. I guide you with My counsel, and afterward I will take you into glory...Your flesh and your heart may fail, but I AM the strength of your heart and your portion forever. (Psalm 73:23-26)

Despair cannot abide in the presence of this Truth. Dwell in My Truth, and perfect Hope will cast out despair. 

Friday 16 May 2014

Tactical Retreat

When other people's poor choices or bad behaviour elicit a strong emotional response in you - anger, hurt, frustration- you need to retreat into My Presence. Not this internal foot-stomping, "What am I supposed to do now?" crying and whinging plea to Me. I mean really retreat into My Presence.

In My Presence is fullness of joy - yes, even when you are seething mad or blindingly hurt! Lean into My Presence, not seeking a quick-fix solution to how to respond; but just to restore your soul and refresh your spirit. When your loving-kindness has run dry, you need to drink deep from the one Source of true Loving-kindness. 

When you are stuck in the anger or hurt and call out to Me, asking how to respond, you are not actually in a position to hear what I say. Your ears are closed, even though you sense you desperately need an answer. I AM your answer.

When you retreat into My Presence, you are choosing to die to self and letting My Spirit live through you. The actual words you choose to respond with are not as important as who you are when you respond - the old, sinful self; or the Spirit-renewed, Christ-living-in-you self.

This process of retreating into My Presence to refresh your spirit and restore your soul before responding seems somewhat impractical to you, because it takes time as well as mental and physical space. But you need to start somewhere! As you practise this, it will become quicker, automatic even. But right now, you need the time and space. 

As you carry My Presence back into the situation that you are dealing with, you still may not know how the problem will be resolved. Let My Presence shift the atmosphere of your heart, and be surprised by the results! Try this now, dear one!

Thursday 15 May 2014

Walking In Dependence

Psalm 71

Keep on walking in dependence on Me, dear one. You are so aware of your need for Me just now...your level of need for Me does not change, only your awareness of it! You actually always need  Me as desperately as you know you do right now. 

In times of smooth sailing, when everything is going well for My children, they often tend to lose sight of their desperate need for Me. While unpleasant, the trials you are going through have opened your eyes to your absolute need for dependence on Me. 

Keep building life habits during this time that will be well-established by the next time you enter calm waters. It will be your challenge then to stay as aware of your need, and to keep walking with your eyes fixed on Me, as if your life depended on it...because it does! 

The victorious life requires on-going absolute dependence on Me! It is just not possible to live victoriously in "D.I.Y mode". Your own strength and your flesh will fail you, but I AM the strength of your heart and your portion FOREVER! 

Each time you make the choice to enter My Presence, you are strengthening connections in your brain that are actually beginning to change the way that you think. You are being transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2). When you choose to respond to a challenging situation by leaning in to My Presence rather than by relying on your own "understanding", you are renewing your mind - weakening the strong bias for "D.I.Y. mode" and strengthening the connection with Me. It is actually happening right now! Celebrate with Me, dear one!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Expectant Hope

Psalm 70:4-5 "May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say 'Let God be exalted!' Yet I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay."

When you exalt Me in the midst of frustrating and painful circumstances, joy rises up in your spirit. This joy of Mine gives you strength to press forward and it guards against "D.I.Y mode". 

The enemy wants you to let your natural feelings about your circumstances determine the atmosphere of your heart and your home. For too long, you have lived at the mercy of your feelings, and therefore at the mercy of an earthly perspective on your circumstances. A sleepless night automatically sets you up for a bleak and difficult day...IT NEED NOT BE SO! 

You have been a slave to your own expectations, even though I have bought your freedom! You live in a prison of your own construction, and I long to tear it down! Instead of hearing you ask in fear and trepidation: "How am I going to cope today?", I long to hear you ask in eager anticipation: "How are You going to come through for me today?"

I want to transform your expectations from earthly to heavenly. Expect great things to happen - expect Me to show up in so many different ways throughout your day! Watch for Me. Watch in expectant hope!


Tuesday 13 May 2014

Keep Coming Back

How quickly your eyes drift from My Face, Beloved. I know how this grieves your heart this morning as you draw near to Me. You are so very disappointed at the fickleness of your heart - so lost in love with Me one minute, yet drifting out in the middle of the sea of busyness the next. 

I forgive you, Beloved. Come to Me again, and again, and again...this is how you train your wayward heart. Just keep coming back to Me. 

It is so easy for you to wander through your days on auto-pilot, going through the motions of all your routines and checklists. I am not asking you to give up your routines, but to find Me in all of those ordinary moments. Catch your mind when it is wandering off on mundane thought trails, and talk to Me instead. When you feel pangs of frustration, sing a song of praise to Me. When you are bored and seeking stimulation, draw near to Me. Imagine your days absolutely saturated in connection with Me!

Monday 12 May 2014

Joyful Adventure

Psalm 68:3-4 "May the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful. Sing to God, sing praises to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds - his name is the Lord - and rejoice before him."

You woke with a groan this morning, "too early" to grumpy kids, and through your eyes this day and this week looked full of insurmountable obstacles and formidable mountains. Here with Me now, I am showing you this day and this week through My eyes - as a playground with obstacle course and stepping stones! 

You are with Me on an adventure, Beloved! Let me take your hand, let's skip over these obstacles! Let us dance over the stepping stones! Let your heart be glad and rejoice! Be happy and joyful as you sing your praise to Me, dear one. 

I want to transform your nights as well as your days. Right now, you do nights in "D.I.Y. mode" because it is still your default setting. I want to take over your nights! Let this joyful adventure continue day AND night. I want to see you wake with a song of praise on your lips!

Sunday 11 May 2014

My Job

As you learn to live by the light of My Face, you are changed. You cannot spend time daily in My Presence and stay the same! The work of sanctification is not work for you. I do the work, you just focus on seeking My Face and enjoying My Presence! You cannot make yourself into My likeness, no matter how hard you try. 

Just rest in My Presence, Beloved. Open yourself up to Me completely. Yield your heart to Me. Soak in My Presence and just receive what I have for you today.

In My Presence, there is healing, hope, conviction, comfort, joy, love...all that you need flows from Me, the one Source of all good things. Do not fall into the trap of thinking you somehow have something to do with the changes I am working in you...just keep coming to Me, dear one. It is My job to complete the good work that I have begin in you. This is also My joy and My delight!

Saturday 10 May 2014

Let Me Do My Thing

Psalm 66:8-10; 12 "Praise our God, O people, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver...we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance."

My creativity knows no bounds! I can use anything and everything for the good of My People, Beloved. Anything that the enemy intends for harm, any difficulty you face, any pain or hardship...I can use to your benefit. 

The key is to stay yielded, dear one. As you yield your difficult circumstances to Me, they become opportunities to grow your dependence on Me, and situations for Me to demonstrate My Grace and My Power.

So you see, you need not fear pain or hardship. You need not go looking for them, either - but when they do come across your path, you need not cower in fear. Just lean back into My Presence, and let Me do My thing!

Friday 9 May 2014

Calling Forth Songs of Joy

Psalm 65:3-4; 8 "When we were overwhelmed by sins, you forgave our transgressions. Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple...Where morning dawns and evening fades you call forth songs of joy."

Yes, dear one - you do mess up sometimes! To think you will never mess up again is prideful. But bring your mess to Me, and let Me help you clean it up. I am extremely resourceful, I can turn even ugly mess into something useful, something lovely. 

Come to Me, My darling. Come and be filled afresh with the Good Things of My house - My Presence, My Love, My Hope, My Grace...

In this early morning hour, I am calling forth songs of Joy from you. Just like I called forth Lazarus from his grave, where he lay dead for days. The stench of death and sin cannot stop Me! I call forth Life. I call forth Joy! I call forth your destiny, Beloved. Step out of your tomb in Joy and Life!

Thursday 8 May 2014

Enjoy Me

Psalm 63

Soak in My Presence, Beloved. Enjoy Me. You know by now that this is your best preparation for the day ahead. But please do not forget that it is so much more than that! This is quality, relationship-building time. You make it a priority because you know you need it - but you look forward to it because you enjoy it! 

Connecting heart-to-heart with Me brings greater joy than any other pursuit in life. This is because it is what you were created for! It is written into your very DNA. So let go of your agenda, and just be here with Me. Enjoy My Presence - sing your heart out in the shadow of My wings. Many distractions will vie for your attention, but keep coming back and pressing in. 

You do not always have to be going after breakthrough in one area of life or another. Press through distractions for the sheer joy of being in My Presence. Dance for joy at being in love with Me. Feast on My beauty; let your soul be satisfied as with the richest of foods. 

Enjoy Me, Beloved!

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Strong AND Loving

Psalm 62: 11-12 "One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord are loving."

I am Love, and I am loving. The tenderest heart in existence, ever! I love with an everlasting and unfailing Love. Yet some would imagine Me as weak, impotent. I am STRONG and I am LOVING. Think on this, dear one! 

I love you more than you could ever fully understand. But My Love is not some far-off pining - I have Strength and Power beyond your wildest dreams! This Strength is available to you - each and every day! How I long for you to truly grasp this Truth! The tears, the struggling and the striving that could be avoided if you truly allowed Me to be your Strength more of the time. 

Today, let your desperation drive you to be resolute in keeping your face upturned to Mine. The enemy is using so many tactics to try to keep you from living victoriously. All you need to do is stay yielded to Me. Yield your heart to Me, over, and over, and over again. 

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Firm Foundation

Psalm 61:1-4 "Here my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings."

It seems to you that self-pity is winning the battle today. You are feeling so stuck in the mud; it seems like you are being pelted from every side with muck. The more you try to pull yourself out, the more you feel thwarted. The more you look at the mud all around you, the deeper you sink. Your heart utters the cry, "This is not fair!" and the sinkhole pulls you down deeper. 

Speak out My Name in your desperation! Lift your eyes above the muck and mire, and search for My Face. 

Self-pity is telling you that there is nothing to thank Me for today. Reject that lie! Start by thanking Me for who I AM:
  • Your strong tower
  • Your Rock 
  • Your Strength
  • Your Salvation
  • The King of kings and Lord of lords
  • The provider of all your needs
  • Perfect Love
  • Wisdom above all others
  • Creator of the Universe
  • The Resurrection and the Life
  • Death-crusher
  • The Comforter
  • The Alpha and the Omega
This Truth never changes. As you recite My credentials, your eyes find My Face. Now I can pull you from the miry pit and set your feet on the Rock. I AM your firm foundation. Continue to add to your list of things to thank Me for throughout this day. This will help you to keep your eyes fixed on Me. 

Monday 5 May 2014

Truth vs. Feelings

Psalm 59:16-17 "But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God."

I want the Truth of who I AM to be more real to you than your experience of how you feel. For so long, you have allowed yourself to be guided by your feelings much more than by My Voice. This is "D.I.Y. mode", dear one. 

How you are feeling - both physically and emotionally - must  be secondary to who I AM. I am your strength, your fortress, your refuge, your loving God! Speak out and celebrate the Truth, even - no, especially when you do not feel it! 

As you speak out in agreement with My Truth, there is an atmosphere shift in your heart. Align yourself with the Highest Truth and see your circumstances change! 

Sunday 4 May 2014

Celebrate Progress

O Beloved, you come to Me so downcast at your stumbling. Like a child who takes a belt to her father, saying, "Here, Daddy - I've been naughty. Please give me the belting I deserve."  

 Here is My Grace: I do not give you what you deserve! I have already suffered the punishment for each and every one of your sins. It is done!

It do not need to give you a belting, dear one! I want to kiss your scraped knees, lift you up and spin you around in a great big bear hug! You see, I am overjoyed that you drew near to Me in your stumbling, rather than hiding in shame! This is progress, sweet heart - I love to celebrate progress! 

 Come dance with Me in the beautiful freedom of forgiveness! Let us dance on condemnation, let us stamp on shame! 

Saturday 3 May 2014

No Longer!

In your sickness, do not allow your eyes to be drawn away from My Face. You need to find rest and refreshment in My Presence. This is what you crave most of all - even more than alleviation of symptoms! Let Me lead you to green pastures. Lie down beside the still waters and soak in My Presence. Rest, dear one, rest and be refreshed. 

In the past, you have lived in fear of sickness because of the weakness it represents. But this fear gives the enemy a foothold. In the past, succumbing to sickness has meant an automatic slide down the slippery slope into the muck-pit of self-pity. I say: NO LONGER!! I am breaking down strongholds in your life. Fear and self-pity have been your jailors for too long! I am renewing your mind and transforming how you think. 

Sickness, though not pleasant, is not to be feared. It is another opportunity to be desperately dependent on Me - not just in word, but in action. Day by day, I repeat to you: "My Grace is sufficient for you! My power is made perfect in your yielded weakness."

Gratitude and thanksgiving - these are your essential jail-break tools. They are ropes attached to Me, your strong Rock. When you slide into the pit of self-pity, I will pull you out, but you need to hold tightly to the ropes. Speak out thanksgiving to Me, cultivate a grateful heart. Then the pit cannot keep you down!

Friday 2 May 2014

Stronghold of Self-Pity

See, I am tearing down the stronghold of self-pity in your life. You are learning to despise its influence, but part of you still craves it. The more I empty you of yourself, the more that part of you longs to jump into that slimy pit and wallow! 

Here is an opportunity for you to truly believe that My Grace is sufficient for you, and that My power is made perfect in weakness. As you yield your weakness to Me, you give up your right to be grumpy, irritable, short-tempered - all these sins that you so often justify by one of self-pity's favourite lies: "I'm just too tired". 

Tiredness is no excuse for sin, it is just the perfect opportunity for you to allow My Life to live through you. Yield to Me, My love. 

Thursday 1 May 2014

Sadness without Self-Pity

When waves of sorrow wash over you, climb up into My lap, Beloved, and let Me wrap My arms around you. Cry your heart out on My shoulder, soak My neck with your tears, bury your face in My chest and let the sadness escape into My safe arms.

You are so used to trying to process your emotions by yourself. Analysing them, searching for reason behind them, seeking to understand them. This is another manifestation of "D.I.Y mode". With sadness, this searching for an explanation can often lead to self-pity, as you seek out reasons for the sadness, dwell on these reasons and begin to wallow in self-pity. Sadness is not sinful, but self-pity is. In effect, you are agreeing with the enemy's lies about your situation, and willingly diving into the slimy pit he has prepared for you. 

Trust Me with your sadness. Isaiah foretold Me as "a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering" (Isaiah 53:3). I can handle it. You do not need to push your sadness away, bury it or understand it. Just bring it to Me, and we can sit with it together. Let Me be your sweet comfort.

Look To Me

As you come to Me in all your weakness and inadequacy, asking for answers to each of your problems, you wonder why you still feel so burdened and weak. Dear one, look to Me! Lock your eyes with Mine, and notice how your perspective immediately shifts! I AM the answer to your problems. As you fix your eyes on Me and spend time loving Me and pouring out your heart in thankfulness for all I am, you no longer focus on your problems, your inadequacies, your weakness. 

I do want you to feel free to ask Me for anything, My darling. The difference is, when you do it from that place of being absorbed by all the muck, being stuck in the awareness of the problems, your requests come in the form of pitiful whinging and moaning! But when you ask Me for things while sitting in My lap and staring into My eyes, your requests come in the form of confident trust, and joyful expectation of an answer. 

When your heart is fixated on who I AM instead of on your problems, you realise how easy it is for Me to meet your needs! And you realise that I already want to! By asking from the place of confident trust, you are coming into agreement with what I want for you. 

As situations arise during your day that pull your eyes off of Me and back to your problems - practice Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a short-cut into My Presence. Enter My courts with Thanksgiving, and My gates with Praise. If you are so stuck in the problem that you cannot find something to thank Me for, start by thanking Me for My Presence, and the way that I gave My very Life to open up the access for you.