Friday 19 February 2016

A Surrendered Mess

I see your sorrow, your disappointment in yourself, your body, your emotions. I see your weariness. Hating yourself does no good! It does not help your family. It does not help you function! 

Look to Me and see the grace I offer. Come stand under the shower of Grace. Let it wash away self-reproach and self-hatred. My Grace is sufficient for you! My Power is made perfect in weakness. This is how I can best use you, Beloved! Weak, barely able to stand, but surrendered!
I don't want you to do, I want you to be. Be a surrendered mess for Me. I will use you without your awareness to minister to others. I will minister through you. It is My Spirit who works, not you. Just be, My beautiful mess. Let Me do the rest. 

You will move forward through one surrendered step at a time. Many are the plans of a person's heart, but the Lord directs her steps. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, Beloved. Surrender your body, spirit, soul, mind to Me every day and watch Me guide your steps. Even in the chaos, confusion and brain fog, I help you make the right decisions. Stop second-guessing, and just trust Me. I can break through your brain fog. I can redeem your tears.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Here in the River

Here in the River, your spirit is free to be One with Me! You sense the complete freedom from stress, the utter joy as your spirit dives into the depths of the River of Life, twirling, swimming, leaping and twisting. 

This is rest, Beloved. Rest is not passive, lying around all day. This is active rest. This is the rest that restores your spirit and your body. This is the rest you crave every day. And here it is, constantly available to you. 

I hear you ask Me, "Do you like me?" Yes! Beloved, I delight in your presence! That joy you feel as you dance in the River - My Spirit takes the same joy in you! Yes, really! 

This place of active rest holds the greatest adventures you can imagine. This is the source of your energy and strength, here in My River of Life. My Presence! This is what is missing from your daily routine...diving into the River. 

Moses did not believe what I said about him. He did not trust that I could speak through him. He had thoughts in his head about himself that I did not have about him - he sold himself short of what I had for him, and it cost him later. 

You cannot afford to have thoughts in your head about yourself that I do not think about you. Reject those thoughts as lies from the enemy of your soul!