Friday 15 April 2016

Do Not Dare Not To Dare!

"Horse, draw near. Nearer still, my son. Do not dare not to dare. Touch me. Smell me. Here are my paws, here is my tail, these are my whiskers. I am a true Beast." (C.S. Lewis, Aslan speaking to Bree in "A Horse and His Boy")

Beloved, I bid you draw near; nearer still! Do not dare not to dare! These words are ringing in your soul. 

Today is a day for celebration, Beloved! We have much to celebrate, for you are making progress. It is My Joy to celebrate progress! You have moved into a new season. Instead of just looking for an opportunity to spend time with Me, you are aware of My Presence throughout the day. Instead of just making an appointment with Me and keeping it, we are restless Lovers, constantly aware of each others' presence and longing to get away to enjoy each other fully in private. So many secret looks, so many longing glances, so many whispered desires and stolen kisses. You no longer have to write your time with Me on your to-do list. You no longer have to sit and wait on Me for My words, for you are bursting with them! When you finally get away with Me to our secret garden, they come pouring out! All the words I have whispered to you in your sleep, in the crazy busy moments, even in the shower. You are bursting with urgency and joy to get these words down!!  

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11)
Listen, Dear Heart! This is not just an admonishment to memorise Scripture, though that is a wonderful thing to do. There is a deeper Truth here. I AM the Word - Living and Active! It is I, Myself, that you hide in your heart. It is I, Myself, who guides you away from sin. 

Get this, My Precious! You do not need to feel guilty about this joyful restlessness, this longing awareness of My Presence and desire for more of Me...this is what you have been asking Me for for years! You are living your dream! And your chronic illness has been used by Me to help bring you to this place!! Ha!! Joy, Beloved! Laugh with Me!

So as you sit and help your son build Lego and give him your "full attention", you need not feel guilt that your heart is restlessly longing after Me! My Presence cannot divide your attention or detract from your presence, it can only enhance your ability to be fully present! I can whisper Truth to you, put words in your mouth for him, love him through you, far more than if you were not longing after Me! Ha ha!! 

I am doing a transformational work in you, Beloved, from the inside-out! It does not happen in the way you expect. I love to spring surprises on you. Ha! Suddenly all those worries seem ludicrous!! Let's laugh at some of them together...

"I need to do better at parenting." Ha ha! Beloved, just be with Me and let Me parent through you. 

"I need to feel better before I can reach out to others." Ha ha!! Beloved, just be with Me and let others see this journey you are on - who wouldn't want this? It is I who draw people to Myself, I will reach out through you. 

"I need to figure out how to journey back to health." Ha ha!! Ummm, hello?? Divine Healer here! Just be with Me and let Me heal you. I am healing you. 

It is all about My Presence, Sweet Heart. I am pruning off all distraction that would disrupt the flow of My Presence in your life, and cultivating habits that increase flow of My Presence in your life. I am the Divine Gardener, but it is your obedience that is allowing Me to do this. I have wanted to do this for years. I have invited you to this by asking you to give up certain distractions for many years, but you were never ready. It is only the rough circumstances of the past two years that have brought you to a place of readiness, Beloved. How you wish you had obeyed and accepted the invitation sooner! 

But do not grieve about this, Beloved! Today is a day for celebrating, a day for joy and laughter! 

Draw near, nearer still! Do not dare not to dare! 

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