Tuesday 17 May 2016

Done With "Shoulds"!

My Darling, you are done with "shoulds" for good! Catch every "should" before it leaves your mouth and yield it to Me. Speak instead, "I will..." or "I will not...", as I lead you. You are no longer bound by "shoulds"! I have set you free! 

You have questions about the role of contending in the life of faith, if faith is actually about yielding to Me. Contending is an important part of this lifestyle of yielding, Beloved, just not in the way you are used to thinking abou them. 

The primary place the contending happens is in your thoughts and emotions. In order to yield completely and to stay completely yielded, you often have to wrestle a thought or emotion into submission to Me. There is much action in this "inaction" of yielding. Just as it takes enormous effort and muscle control to stay perfectly still in a given position, so it takes enormous self-control (by the spirit) and faith to stay yielded in a given situation. 

Your flesh is dead but zombie-like in its persistence to keep rising and trying to take back control of your body, mind and spirit. It is dead, but you must reckon it dead many times a day by your will and through faith

For many years, you have lived as a captive to your fleshly thoughts, emotions and desires, but no longer! I have set you free! No longer at the mercy of your frustrations, worries, fears, insecurities, prideful thoughts or superior attitudes. When you were trapped in self-loathing just a few months again, it was your flesh-control that you were loathing, but you never have to live under that again! 

As  you stay yielded to Me, I can use you as an instrument to change culture and society around you. You cannot do it yourself. Yield every passion to Me, tell Me your desires and ask if you can do something. I love to work through you! I will show you the next step to take! I can accomplish infinitely more through you when you are yielded than when you are acting in your own strength! 

All worthy causes already matter to My own heart! I suffer when I see My Beloved Ones suffer. I care deeply about the poor, they lonely, the neglected, the refugees, widows and orphans.

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