Wednesday 11 May 2016

Bigger on the Inside!

I AM bigger than your mind can contain, yet I dwell within you. Bigger on the inside! Come and search Me out. Seek after Me! It never gets old or boring. I AM the same yesterday, today and forever; yet I am unpredictable! What a joyful paradox!

You are saved by grace alone, but it is through faith - and that requires a constant yielding on your part. A constant choosing to rest from striving and let Me lead. 

In this Spirit-led life, all phrases such as, "I can't bear this right now" or "I just need a break" or "I'm too tired" declare your fleshly lack, and have no place in the Spirit-led life! 

Instead, I will help you train your mind to think thoughts such as, "I draw on the springs of Living Water that flow out of my inner place" and "Love rises up in my spirit and Love is enough to cover a multitude of sins!" You have access to a bounty of Goodness, energy, Love, Spiritual fruit by faith, believing the fact that they are growing inside you already! When you declare your faith in your flesh to be insufficient and lacking, you make it so. When you declare your faith in My Spirit to provide all you need, you make it so! What power your words have! 

My Words created Life, and your words can speak life or death - your choice! Yes, Beloved, I really have given you that much power! So you see, when you feel helpless and powerless, that is just another lie the enemy is using to keep you down!

"Fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. Then as you unwrap my words, they will impart to you true life and radiant health into the very core of your being. So above all, guard the affections of your heart for they affect all that you are. Out of your innermost being flows the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:21-23 (TPT)

See, I am healing you from the inside, out! Believe it, Beloved!

When someone asks you how you are, you may always answer, "Great!" - even if you are not physically feeling great. How can this be? You do not need to recount your physical ailments in order to be truthful, for your health does not define you! Your words declare and your feelings follow. So speak the fact that you are doing great (for you are, in your spirit) and the feellings will follow!

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