Sunday, 22 June 2014

Undivided Heart

"Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86:11-12

Persist in thankfulness and praise, Beloved. Though your heart feels weary and wants to give up the fight, keep on pressing in in praise and thanksgiving. You crave an undivided heart - one free from this eternal battle. You are feeling battle-weary, but you do not realise that the fiercest battle rages within your own heart.

The enemy loves to divide and conquer, and this starts with your own heart. He appeals to your natural, sinful desire to be in control, to know all. But I am teaching you to surrender; to learn to truly trust Me in spite of your circumstances. 

One of the enemy's key strategies is to keep your eyes on the circumstances, and to keep pointing out how the circumstances differ from what I have said. He would make Me out to be a liar. He would have you believe that I am not trustworthy! He wants you to trust in the appearance of the circumstances more than you trust in Me. 

One of My key strategies is to teach you the way of thanksgiving. I know that it feels unfamiliar and contrived to you. But walking in thanksgiving requires faith. Speak out thanksgiving and sing out praise to Me, before you "feel" it. If you cannot find your own words, speak out Psalms of praise. My Word is a living and powerful weapon that the enemy would do anything to keep you from using! He knows all too well the power of speaking out My Word in praise and thanksgiving to push back the darkness. 

He wants to keep you grounded in earthly reality. Walking in eternal night. Keeping you from seeing the sunrise

Beloved, you need to step out in faith and start speaking out your agreement with My Truth, regardless of what your circumstances say. Declare that My Truth is higher. Agree with what I have spoken. Declare My Sovereignty over your circumstances. Refuse to allow your circumstances to dictate to you. Refuse to believe what you see before your eyes, but declare what you have seen with eyes of faith! Rejoice in My higher Truth before you see any evidence of it!

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