Too often, Beloved, you count your troubles. They seem so many, and you want to count them to compare with "normal", to see if you are particularly stricken at the moment. When other people comment on the number of troubles that are besetting you at present, you feel justified in wallowing in that mucky pit of self-pity for a while.
Counting your troubles - or recounting them to others - will only leave you feeling hard-done-by and stricken. This is not at all helpful.
Like the Psalmist, say: "But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone." (Psalm 71:14-17)
This is an act of your will - you can choose to count and recount My mighty deeds rather than your troubles. Practise this in your own thoughts, aloud in your home, and with you husband and children.
You know the psychological phenomenon that what is foremost in your mind is what you will notice most. When you were newly pregnant, you suddenly saw pregnant women everywhere. This phenomenon can work for you or against you. At the moment, your mind is set on the troubles you seem to keep encountering. I want to shift your mind's setting to seeing Me at work in your circumstances.
I want each day to be like an exciting treasure hunt for you. That you would be on the look-out for My hand at work, and that you would excitedly proclaim My mighty deeds to those around you - that you would not be able to keep it in! Gratitude will be a natural response, rather than self-pity. Try it today!
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