Saturday, 30 April 2016

Speak Life

You are in training, Beloved. I am training you in godliness. I am your personal Coach. You don't always understand My methods, but you can know with joyful confidence that they are all flowing from total, complete, Perfect Love! Therefore, you can submit to all My methods with a willing and joyful spirit. 

"Be quick to abstain from senseless traditions and legends, but instead be engaged in the training of truth that brings righteousness. For athletic training only benefits you in a short season, but righteousness brings lasting benefit in everything; for righteousness contains the promise of life, for time and eternity. Faithful is the Word, and everyone should accept him!" (I Timothy 4:7-9, TPT)

"Fully embrace God's correction as part of your training, for he is doing what any loving father does for his children...God corrects us through our lives for our own good, giving us an invitation to share his holiness. Now all discipline seems to be more pain than pleasure at the time, yet later it will produce a transformation of character, bringing a harvest of righteousness and peace to those who yield to it. So be made strong even in your weakness by lifting up your tired hands in prayer and worship. And strengthen your weak knees, for as you keep walking forward on God's paths all your stumbling ways will be divinely healed!" (Hebrews 12:7, 10b-13, TPT)

Daily use your "weapons of warfare-worship" that I am training you in. Sing the songs that I put in your mouth. Declare Truth in every situation. Be careful not to undo it by speaking throw-away phrases, by habit or by fear of man. Surprise those around you by your joy and peace, do not speak what they expect you to, especially in your difficulties, even if it is easier. For My words, spoken to you and through you, bring life. There is power of life and death in the tongue. 

"Sharing words of wisdom are satisfying to your inner being. It encourages you to know that you've changed someone else's life. Your words are so weighty that they have power to bring life or release death, and the talkative person will reap the consequences." (Proverbs 18:20-21)
"Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken at the right time." (Proverbs 25:11)

"For we have the living Word of God, which is full of energy, and it pierces more sharply than a soldier's sword. It will permeate to the very core of our being where soul and spirit, bone and marrow meat! It interprets and reveals the true thoughts and secret motives of our hearts." (Hebrews 4:12)

"Words of wisdom are like a fresh flowing brook, like deep waters that spring forth from within, bubbling up inside the one with understanding." (Proverbs 18:4)

"Can you bridle your tongue when your heart is under pressure? That's how you show that you are wise. An understanding heart keeps you cool, calm and collected, no matter what you're facing." (Proverbs 17:27)

"Winsome words pour from a heart of wisdom, adding value to all you teach. Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words, for they release sweetness to our soul and inner healing to our spirit." (Proverbs 16:23-24)

"When you speak healing words, you offer others fruit from the Tree of Life. But unhealthy, negative words do nothing but crush their hopes." (Proverbs 15:4)

"Anxious fear brings depression, but a life-giving word of encouragement can do wonders to restore joy to the heart." (Proverbs 13:25)

Friday, 29 April 2016

Training in Weapons of Warfare-Worship

What will you bear for Love, Beloved? You tell Me you will bear anything for Love, but at times I hear you say, "I can't bear this!" At these times, you are declaring your lack, rather than My ability to supply! In the moments of your awareness of your need, declare to your spirit, "Spring up, O well! Rivers of Living Water flow out to cover this situation!" 

Beloved, you have not because you ask not. As  you connect spirit-to-Spirit with Me, you have access to all that Christ has access to. Dare to believe this ridiculously good Truth! 


In her sickness, your precious daughter is teaching you. I am teaching you through her...

She is not content to be anywhere that you are not. She craves your presence more than food, more than sleep, more than anything! She refuses to sleep except in your arms, and when she wakes, she searches frantically for your face. Your presence gives her peace. When she finds she is still in your arms, she immediately relaxes again. In the midst of her trouble, her unfamiliar surroundings, her pain and sickness, it is enough just to be held by you, and comforted by your presence. 

Learn from this, Beloved. 


As your shoulders, arms, back and legs ache from holding this unexpected load for so long, listen to My voice. I am conditioning your faith muscles (as well as your physical ones!), but not in the way that you expected or hoped for. I am training you, but not in the way you anticipated. Rise to the challenge, Beloved. Lean into My training. Embrace the process. Joy, Dear One! 

"You've trained me with the weapons of warfare-worship, now I'll descend down into battle with power, to chase and conquer my foes. You empower me for victory with your wrap-around presence. Your power within me makes me strong to subdue, and by stooping down in gentleness to strengthen me, you've made me great! You've set me free from captivity and now I'm standing complete, ready to fight some more!" (Psalm 118:34-36)

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Joyful, Willing Obedience

"Faith is certainly a very lovely thing," said the King with a pleased smile. "I can do anything, yes anything where there is this perfect faith or responsiveness to my will...there is nothing in the whole wide world which gives me more joy and appears fairer in my sight than the response of human hearts to my love. It is the will to obey me which makes the union complete between us and which enables me to pour my life and power into those who love me and respond to me continually." (Hannah Hurnard, "The Mountains of Spices")

Beloved, taste and see that I am good! What a joy it is to live in willing obedience. For I know you deeply and intimately and I desire good for you. As you trust Me and willingly give up your right to "do what you feel like" and choose to move with the impulses of My Spirit, you discover that I do, in fact, know best! I have good things for you - deep, abiding joy unspeakable - that cannot be gained any other way than by yielding to Me. 

Though at times, yielding to Me looks unpleasant, uncomfortable and even ugly, as you trust My Love and willingly say "yes", you find treasures previously unknown to you. The beautiful exchange! 

Do not question My methods, Beloved. Just joyfully submit. 

You are bursting with passion to share My Good News, and wondering why you have had to cancel all your plans to meet up with people this week in order to stay home with sick kids. Trust My methods, Beloved. Embrace My process. I have My reasons, and I will not always share those with you. Just walk humbly, joyfully in obedience, even as I hijack your good plans. Trust Me, even in this, Darling One. 

See, I am stirring up your hunger to see lost ones saved! I am showing you My heart for those who do not yet know Me. Sit with the agony, Beloved. Let it move you deeply. I am birthing My Heart in you, can you hear it beating? Calling, "So many hurting! So many blind! So many lost and looking for Me!" Will you help them find Me? 

As you learn to live more from your spirit than from your flesh, you will see with delight that what you desire and what you "feel like doing" is more and more in line with My Heart. 

"Night's darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes. And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon." (Romans 13:12-13, TPT)
See how I confirm the revelation of Truth I gave you and the new song I put in your mouth with Truth directly from My Word, over and over again! Joy, Beloved! What a joyful adventure you are on with Me. 

"Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with super-abundance until you radiate with hope!" (Romans 15:13, TPT)

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Dance This Day Into Alignment!

Consider this intensive training, Beloved, and take heart! I am giving you a new name - "Joyful" and writing it on your forehead for all to see. No longer will you need to make sure everyone sees how much you are suffering - seeking either admiration or pity. Fear of man holds you back from wholehearted loving Me, and from single-mindedly obeying Me. Fear of man is CUT OFF! You are Mine, Beloved, and I am yours!

"I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship. 
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God's will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes." (Romans 12:1-2, TPT)

"Let this hope burst forth within you, releasing a continual joy. Don't give up in a time of trouble, but commune with God at all times." (Romans 12:12, TPT)

My Power has freedom to work in you when you are aware of your own weakness and fully yield to Me. As I live My Life through you today, My Grace is enough for you. You will not be stuck in the same old trap of despair, the pit of self-pity or the dungeon of fear. 

We will move together in this Dance of Love with grace and joy, and you will see the grey, dreary circumstances be transformed into vibrant colour and light. Let's dance this day into alignment with My Kingdom! 

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Determination To Stay the Course

Oh, Beloved! Your determination to stay the course blesses My Heart. Over the past few days and especially nights, you have received repeated invitations from the enemy, the wolf in sheep's clothing, to take a nice long mud bath in the pit of Self-pity. In the past, you have used this pit of Self-pity as a day spa - an indulgence, a treat if life has been especially rough. But this time, you have consistently said an emphatic, "No!" to the invitations. Hurray!

I am so pleased, Beloved, as the pit of Self-pity is not a harmless indulgence. The mud is actually poisonous to you, and hallucinogenic! It changes the way you see, and blocks your heavenly view. It keeps you stuck earth-bound, instead of soaring in the Spirit. 

Sometimes the choice to say no to the invitations is an easy one, and sometimes it is a hard slog to keep saying no. As long as you continue to listen to My Spirit, you will be able to discern the enemy's advances. 

"I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I'm trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ's explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty." (Philippians 4:12-13)
As you are connected to Me, My Power is not only available to you, but active in you as I live My life through you. You therefore need not fear how you will cope today, as you know I will empower you to complete all I have for you to do today. I will empower you to push through when that is necessary, and to stop yourself from working and rest when that is necessary. I will show you what is necessary! 

What a delight it is to Me when one of My Own walks this path with steadfastness and determination, refusing to be turned to the right or to the left. This is the path, walk in it, Beloved.

Patient endurance, joyful confidence, hope! 

Monday, 25 April 2016

The Beauty of Choice

Beloved, see the joy in "self-control" - perhaps better named "the beauty of choice". The joy is this: that in every situation, you have the power to choose how you respond. What freedom! Not only can you choose how to act in response, but also from what position you respond. 

For example, when your child calls out to you in the night, you can make the choice to ignore her, go to her, or nudge your husband awake to go to her. But each of these actions can be done from the flesh or the spirit. You could choose to go to her from a fleshly position - you would drag your feet and huff a little, indulge a little self-pity that it is the third time this night that you have been up to her...OR you can do the same action from your spirit - with joy, an act of love in allowing your husband to sleep and enjoying the precious moments with your little one. 

Or you could choose another of the actions from either the flesh or the spirit. As your spirit is tuned to Mine, you will automatically listen for My prompting and act from your spirit. The beauty of this is that the more you move from the impulses of My Spirit, the more it becomes habit in you!

Sunday, 24 April 2016


Through Love, I am teaching you to manage your freedom. You are learning that in some areas, you are safest to avoid certain pleasures altogether at least for a time. As you grow in My Spirit, I will help you know when you are able to test your spirit-control with small doses of these pleasures, to see if you are able to stick to your pre-determined boundaries. If you cannot, then you are not yet mature enough to handle that freedom. 

It will become a joy to manage your own freedom, to have a taste of something and not fall face-first into over-indulgence! This is moving with the impulses of the Spirit - spirit-controlled appetites, rather than appetites holding you captive and slave. 

I am also changing your perception of pleasure. You have tasted of heaven's pleasure, now earth's is losing its attractiveness. What joy to be free from slavery to earth's appetites! What a joy to be controlled by the Spirit and to be longing after heavenly appetites!

Saturday, 23 April 2016

More Fully You!

I am making you attractive, Beloved. Attractive to your husband, to others who are searching for Me, and even to yourself. 

For so long, you have lived in fear of Pride. But Pride is part of a religious mindset. I am completely transforming your thinking into a kingdom mindset. Beloved, Pride has to do with fear of man and D-I-Y mode. I am cutting off fear of man and giving you a healthy fear of Me. 

I am building in you a joyful confidence in who you are in Me, as you continue to grow in seeing yourself as I see you. 

I love you! I do not want to get rid of you! I want to make you more fully uniquely you, to increase your "you-ness" that has been dulled and pushed down by false humility and false dignity (which are Pride). You really bought into that self-flagellating twisting of "I must decrease that He can increase". The cries of "Empty me of me so that I can be filled with You!"  

Well, Beloved, I won't! I will fill you and in doing so, enhance your you-ness, while dealing with sin in your life. No more of this "wretched woman that I am" business, because haven't you heard? I HAVE DEALT WITH THAT ALREADY!

"So if my behaviour contradicts my desires to do good, I must conclude that it is not my true identity doing it, but the unwelcome intruder of sin hindering me from being who I really am...Truly, deep within my true identity, I love to do what pleases God. But I discern another power operating in my humanity, waging a war against the moral principles of my conscience and bringing me into captivity as a prisoner to the "law" of sin - this unwelcome intruder in my humanity...So who has the power to rescue this miserable man from the unwelcome intruder of sin and death? 
I give all my thanks to God, for his mighty power has finally set me free through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One! So if left to myself, the flesh is aligned with the law of sin, but now my renewed mind is fixed on and submitted to God's righteous principles." (Romans 7:20,22-25 TPT)

"So now every righteous requirement of the law can be fulfilled through the Anointed One living his life in us. And we are free to live, not according to our flesh, but by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit!" (Romans 8:4 TPT)

What joy, Beloved!! You are starting to see! Your flesh is not you, your spirit is truly you! And your spirit is seated with Me in the heavenly realm. You are heaven's royalty, Beloved! 

No place for pride and arrogance, false humility and false dignity in royalty - just an acceptance of who you truly are. 

"And you did not receive the "spirit of religious duty" leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the "Spirit of Full Acceptance", enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, "Beloved Father!" For the Holy Spirit makes God's fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, "You are God's beloved child!" (Romans 8:15-16)

Friday, 22 April 2016

Gentle, Kind, Tender; Fierce, Wild, Untamable

Your joy for this day flows from My Love. Your growing awareness of My Love for you, your Love that springs up for Me...the River of Living Water (which is also Love) flows in you and splashes on all around. In every detail of your day, you can find My Love. 
"So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God's perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose." (Romans 8:28 TPT)
Look for My Love in every moment. When you are feeling weak and tired, tune back into My Love and experience on-the-spot refreshing! When you are frustrated with your children's actions, search again in your heart for My Love which is flowing out of you and let it spill all over your kids. 
Everything My Love touches is changed! Watch and see My transforming Love at work in all the little details of your life. 
My Love is the gentlest, kindest, most tender you could ever experience. 
My Love is fierce, wild and untamable.
It is both at once. 
As you learn to live by My Love, you will find it will help you willingly bear all circumstances you face. The same Love will burn fiercely in you and cause you to firmly resist and even fight against injustices that violate My law of Love with such tenacity that you did not know before. As you grow in Love, you will learn how to yield and resist simultaneously. The key is that you can ALWAYS yield to My Love, which will either patiently bear a circumstance or resist and fight injustice and unlove through you.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Patient Endurance

"But that's not all! Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance. And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope. And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!" (Romans 5:3-5, TPT)

Let us talk of endurance. Endurance is not so popular a virtue as it once was. In another time:

"Their favourite virtue was endurance. Not to flinch from pain or hardship was their ideal." (Flora Thompson in "Lark Rise to Candleford")

In your culture, you are told "you have to know when to quit" and "don't flog a dead horse." Endurance has gone out of fashion. But not with Me, Beloved! To Me, it is such a rare and precious joy to see My Loved Ones staying the course with patient endurance. I set the example for ultimate endurance on the cross. Look to My example:

"We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith's perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was filled with the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God!" (Hebrews 12:2, TPT)
Oh, Precious One! Fix your eyes upon Me in every moment, just as you have been doing. Keep doing it, over and over, every day, let your heart search for Me in everything. Even, especially in the dull or tiresome moments, the monotonous moments, the achingly difficult moments. As you so often tell your children: "You will get what you are after quicker if you don't stop to have a tantrum on the way." The same goes for you, Beloved. Each time you choose to respond in Love to a situation that is difficult or frustrating, you are developing patient endurance. Each time you react out of your natural human self, you are slowing down that process.

Not every day is going to look the same. I pour My Love on you every day, but My methods as well as My mercies are new every morning. Do not put Me in a box. I love breaking out of boxes -- the tomb could not hold me! I delight in surprising you! Keep on searching for Me in everything. I AM here with you, showing you the way. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

My Love

My Love is bigger, deeper, wider, higher than you can ever fully understand here on earth. It is too huge for your mind to contain it. Everything flows from this Love in My Kingdom. Make yourself a student of Love. Let Love teach you how to act in every situation. Ask Me, what does Love do here?

Love has no room for fear of man. Learning to love well starts with learning to accept My Love for you. You are asking Me to expand your capacity for Love. Beloved, as one of my other Lovers has written: 

"There is no need to plead that the love of God shall fill our hearts as though He were unwilling to fill us: He is willing as light is willing to flood a room that is opened to its brightness; willing as water is willing to flow into an emptied channel. Love is pressing around us on all sides like air. Cease to resist, and instantly love takes possession." (Amy Carmichael, "If")

Just receive the flood of life and Love. Just receive all I have for you! Trust Me to pour My Love through you to others. Trust Me, Beloved. 

"Trust Me with a humbler heart and a fuller abandon to My will than ever thou didst before. Trust Me to pour My love through thee, as minute succeeds minute. And if thou shouldst be conscious of anything hindering the flow, do not hurt My love by going away from Me in discouragement, for nothing can hurt love so much as that. Draw all the closer to Me; come, flee unto Me to hide thee, even from thyself. Tell Me about the trouble. Trust Me to turn My hand upon thee and thoroughly to remove the boulder that has choked thy riverbed, and take away all the sand that has silted up the channel. I will not leave thee until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. I will perfect that which concerneth thee. Fear thou not, O child of My love; fear not." (Amy Carmichael, "If")

Monday, 18 April 2016

Keep Pace With Me

Rejoice, Beloved! I am renewing your mind. When you woke early feeling ill in your body, you did not freak out. You listened for My voice and let Me speak to you, speak over your circumstances. Instead of bitterness and despair, you are experiencing joy and peace and even excitement over what I can do! Every trouble or difficulty you face is an opportunity for you to see Me come through for you in new ways! 

Rest, Beloved, and joyfully receive all I have for you this morning. Grace, all-sufficient!

You have worried for the years of this chronic illness (and before) about how to "pace yourself"...My Precious One, you were never intended to pace yourself, but to keep pace with Me! I know exactly how much or how little energy your body can exert in one day, and I will show you. "Listening to your body" works best when you are in tune with Me. The more in tune your spirit is with My Spirit, the more you will know what your body truly needs. 

Armed with all these new revelations, this "sickness" is bound to be a very different experience. Just wait on Me and see what I shall do!

Housework and Parenting From a Place of Rest

Beloved, housework can either be done from a place of self-will, to satisfy your natural desire for control and order; or it can be done from a place of Rest, as a joyful act of worship drawing you deeper into My heart. Isn't this a beautiful mystery?

The same goes for parenting. When you ask your children to do something, the same request can come from a human desire to exert control and order, or it can come from a place of Love and Rest. 

When you do housework, or parent, or do anything else from a place of self-will and desire to exert control and order, you are setting yourself up for stress. You are positioning yourself to receive stress. But when you act from a place of Love and Rest, you are setting yourself up for Peace and Joy! You are positioning yourself to receive more of Me! 

When you tidy the lounge room from a desire to exert control, the process is boring, something you want to distract yourself from to get through. Then the minute the kids come back in and mess it up, you become highly stressed. But when you tidy the lounge room while "dancing" with Me, the process itself is an enjoyable act of worship and communion with Me. You can enjoy the few minutes it is in a clean state, but you can also enjoy watching your kids reveling in the tidiness by playing hard! You are then in a much better heart-space from which to guide them from Love to learn to clean up their messes - because it is an important lesson for them to learn, not because you need them to to in order to regain a shred of order and control. 

This is so freeing, Beloved! The flow-on effect is enormously powerful.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Refilling Rest and Supernatural Sleep

"Lord, I have chosen You alone as my inheritance.
You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion.
I leave my destiny and its timing in Your hands.
Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places.
I'm overwhelmed by the privileges
That come with following You
For You have given me the best!
The way You counsel and correct me
Makes me praise you more;
For Your whispers in the night give me wisdom,
Showing me what to do next.
Because You are close to me and always available,
My confidence will never be shaken,
For I experience Your wrap-around presence every moment.
My heart and soul explode with joy - full of glory!
Even my body will rest confident and secure.
For You bring me a continual revelation of resurrection life,
The path that brings me to the overflowing joys;
Of the exquisite and eternal pleasures
Of gazing upon Your face."
(Psalm 16:5-9,11 TPT)
See this new thing I am teaching you, Beloved...the refilling Rest. So often, being out and about around people exhausts and drains you. When you get home, you distract yourself. This is not rest. Last night when you came home, you could hardly wait to get alone with Me. This is the place of refilling. If being out with people empties you, you need refilling, not distraction. Distraction does not necessarily drain you, it just serves to delay refilling. If you then go to bed, expecting sleep to refill you - well then, a lot is riding on you getting a good night's sleep! Which actually sets you up for bitterness and frustration in the night or early morning when you are inevitably woken by child or husband. You have seen this spiritual issue as a natural one, Beloved. I am showing you a new perspective! 

I am teaching you to sleep from a place of Rest. Your sleep can be so much more restful when you sleep from Rest! I am showing you what it means to have Supernatural Sleep. You have asked for this for years, but like all things in the spiritual realm, it is a mystery to your natural mind. I am revealing glimpses to you now. You cannot force supernatural sleep, but you can cultivate an atmosphere that invites it, as you connect spirit to Spirit with Me. 

During sleep, your mind processes your day's activities, so if you have been continually connected with Me through the day, your sleep will be steeped in My Truth and revelation. You are seeing this as you come to through the night, worship is on your lips. Your dreams are filled with Me. When you wake in the morning, your first thought is of Me and you cannot wait to get down on paper the revelations from the night, and the fresh Truth for the morning! 

Saturday, 16 April 2016

A Declaration Song

The Dance of Love

Verse 1:
You replace my pain with treasure, Lord
With gems so precious and rare
You place them in settings of silver and gold
And you weave them into my hair. 

You give me joy for mourning, Lord, 
You give me joy and grace.
You give me joy for mourning, Lord 
And you dance me all over the place.

Verse 2:
You replace my rags with royal robes
Of brilliant colours and light
You clothe me in Strength and Dignity
So I can dance with all my might

Verse 3:
You replace my drab, monotonous grey
With vibrant colour as we dance through my days
You take my bitter and whinging heart 
And exchange it for a heart full of praise!

Bridge 1:
You dance, you dance with me
You lead me in this dance of love.
You set your love on me
And call me to the places above. 

Verse 4:
You replace my tears with laughter, Lord
With mirth and hilarity
You open my mind to Truth and we laugh
At the lies of the enemy!

Verse 5:
You replace my natural human sight
With faith-filled heavenly view
When I look at my circumstances now
I see not what they are, but what you can do!

Verse 6:
You replace my shrinking with confidence
Your perfect Love casts out every fear
The barren season is over and gone,
Behold a new day dawns bright and clear! 

Bridge 2:
You dance, you dance with me
You teach me how to move with grace
You set your love on me
In You, I have found my true place. 

I have given you a new song! I have put the words in your mouth, words of revelation and Truth. This is a declaration song! Sing it in praise and thankfulness, even (especially) on the days you are not "feeling it". 

I am the fulfillment of Isaiah 61, I came to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour!
"to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who mourn in Zion - to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified." (Isaiah 61:2-3)

"They shall come and sing aloud on the height of Zion, and they shall be radiant over the goodness of the Lord...their life shall be like a well-watered garden, and they shall languish no more. Then shall the young women rejoice in the dance...I will turn their mourning into joy, I will comfort them and give them gladness for sorrow." (Jeremiah 31:12-13)

Position Yourself

Beloved, you know that your mind, body, spirit and emotions are so connected. Let's talk about this for a minute. 

If you are in the habit of slumping down and giving in to fears, shrinking and cowering, your spiritual and emotional stance is hunched, slumping, cowering. So often this is manifested unconsciously in the physical body. You suffer from tension headaches often, even while experiencing great victories in your spirit and emotions. Dear One, you need to position yourself in the physical as you are learning to position yourself in the spiritual - as royalty, as My Beloved, with strength and dignity!

Hunched over is a physical position of surrender to stress, worry and fear. A position of defeat. Standing straight and tall with open shoulders and straight back is a physical position of confidence in Me. A position of victory. Position your self in both the physical and the spiritual to receive all I have for you!

Healing in the physical is so linked with healing in the mind, emotions and spirit also. I am cutting off weights that have tied you down. Do not keep walking as though you are still carrying them!

Friday, 15 April 2016

Do Not Dare Not To Dare!

"Horse, draw near. Nearer still, my son. Do not dare not to dare. Touch me. Smell me. Here are my paws, here is my tail, these are my whiskers. I am a true Beast." (C.S. Lewis, Aslan speaking to Bree in "A Horse and His Boy")

Beloved, I bid you draw near; nearer still! Do not dare not to dare! These words are ringing in your soul. 

Today is a day for celebration, Beloved! We have much to celebrate, for you are making progress. It is My Joy to celebrate progress! You have moved into a new season. Instead of just looking for an opportunity to spend time with Me, you are aware of My Presence throughout the day. Instead of just making an appointment with Me and keeping it, we are restless Lovers, constantly aware of each others' presence and longing to get away to enjoy each other fully in private. So many secret looks, so many longing glances, so many whispered desires and stolen kisses. You no longer have to write your time with Me on your to-do list. You no longer have to sit and wait on Me for My words, for you are bursting with them! When you finally get away with Me to our secret garden, they come pouring out! All the words I have whispered to you in your sleep, in the crazy busy moments, even in the shower. You are bursting with urgency and joy to get these words down!!  

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11)
Listen, Dear Heart! This is not just an admonishment to memorise Scripture, though that is a wonderful thing to do. There is a deeper Truth here. I AM the Word - Living and Active! It is I, Myself, that you hide in your heart. It is I, Myself, who guides you away from sin. 

Get this, My Precious! You do not need to feel guilty about this joyful restlessness, this longing awareness of My Presence and desire for more of Me...this is what you have been asking Me for for years! You are living your dream! And your chronic illness has been used by Me to help bring you to this place!! Ha!! Joy, Beloved! Laugh with Me!

So as you sit and help your son build Lego and give him your "full attention", you need not feel guilt that your heart is restlessly longing after Me! My Presence cannot divide your attention or detract from your presence, it can only enhance your ability to be fully present! I can whisper Truth to you, put words in your mouth for him, love him through you, far more than if you were not longing after Me! Ha ha!! 

I am doing a transformational work in you, Beloved, from the inside-out! It does not happen in the way you expect. I love to spring surprises on you. Ha! Suddenly all those worries seem ludicrous!! Let's laugh at some of them together...

"I need to do better at parenting." Ha ha! Beloved, just be with Me and let Me parent through you. 

"I need to feel better before I can reach out to others." Ha ha!! Beloved, just be with Me and let others see this journey you are on - who wouldn't want this? It is I who draw people to Myself, I will reach out through you. 

"I need to figure out how to journey back to health." Ha ha!! Ummm, hello?? Divine Healer here! Just be with Me and let Me heal you. I am healing you. 

It is all about My Presence, Sweet Heart. I am pruning off all distraction that would disrupt the flow of My Presence in your life, and cultivating habits that increase flow of My Presence in your life. I am the Divine Gardener, but it is your obedience that is allowing Me to do this. I have wanted to do this for years. I have invited you to this by asking you to give up certain distractions for many years, but you were never ready. It is only the rough circumstances of the past two years that have brought you to a place of readiness, Beloved. How you wish you had obeyed and accepted the invitation sooner! 

But do not grieve about this, Beloved! Today is a day for celebrating, a day for joy and laughter! 

Draw near, nearer still! Do not dare not to dare! 

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Fruits of the Holy Spirit

The streams of Living Water are flowing out of you. Your family will benefit. They get the immediate flow-on effect. They are splashed by the water. 

"Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruits fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing." (Ezekiel 47:12)

Your family will be fed by the fruit growing by the sides of the River of Life...

"The fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its various expressions. This love is reveal through:
Joy that overflows,
Peace that subdues,
Patience that endures,
Kindness in action,
A life full of virtue,
Faith that prevails,
Gentleness of heart, and 
Strength of spirit."
(Galations 5:22-23, TPT)

These fruits are nourishing your family and the leaves are bringing healing. All you need to do is keep on resting in Me, letting Me tend this garden. For I am the Divine Gardener, it is I who makes them grow by My Life-Giving water that flows in you. 

No more guilt over not doing or being enough. No more self-loathing over living inconsistently with your values! Just keep coming to Me, that is the one thing that is needful on your part...the rest is the flow-on effect; My gift of Grace! No more striving, no more stress! Just yielding in sweet surrender to your Lover. 

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Springs of Living Water

"You are beautiful beyond description, 
Too marvellous for words,
Too wonderful for comprehension,
Like nothing ever seen or heard.
Who can grasp your infinite wisdom?
Who can fathom the depth of your love?
You are beautiful beyond description,
Majesty enthroned above!
And I stand, I stand in awe of you.
I stand, I stand in awe of you.
Holy God, to whom all praise is due, 
I stand in awe of you."
(I Stand In Awe of You, by Mark Altrogge, 1987) 

In the past, you have often sung this to Me from a position of flat on your face in worship. This is, of course, beautiful to Me. But today, as you wake with this song on your lips, you are singing it to Me as a Lover whispering adoration to her Beloved on the dance floor. 

As I hold you close and we move as One, your boldness and confidence thrill Me!  Your intense gaze into My Face, your delicious words of loving adoration completely undo Me. You have My heart, Beloved. I am yours and you are Mine! Keep whispering those sweet words of Love direct to My Spirit - I love to hear them! 

"For you reach into my heart. 
With one flash of your eyes I am undone by your love, my beloved, my equal, my bride.
You leave me breathless -- I am overcome by merely a glance from your worshipping eyes, for you have stolen my heart.
I am held hostage by your love and by the graces of righteousness shining upon you.
How satisfying to me, my equal, my bride. 
Your love is my finest wine -- intoxicating and thrilling. 
And your sweet, perfumed praises -- so exotic, so pleasing. 
Your loving words are like the honeycomb to me; your tongue releases milk and honey, for I find the Promised Land flowing within you.
The fragrance of your worshipping love surrounds you with scented robes of white. 
My darling bride, my private paradise, fastened to my heart.
A secret spring are you that no one else can have -- my bubbling fountain hidden from public view.
What a perfect partner to me, now that I have you...
Your life flows into mine, pure as a garden spring.
A well of living water springs up from within you, like a mountain brook flowing into my heart."
(Song of Songs 4:9-12,15 TPT)

The spring of Living Water is gushing forth from within you. No need to fear dryness, barrenness or wilderness. The water flows down, filling every part of you. 

Beloved, let it flow outwards today. Let it splash onto all you meet. You do not need to force anything, just be present with Me. Do not allow the flow to be dammed up by Bitterness, Self-Pity, Guilt, Stress, Frustration or any other pesky bully. 

"Whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." (John 7:38)
"The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." (Isaiah 58:11)

"...So where the river flows, everything will live...Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruits fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing." (Ezekiel 47:9,12)

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Tend Your Body

Though you have woken this morning feeling sick in your body, do not be mad with your body for failing you, Beloved. Your body is a temple for My Holy Spirit. You have been tending the inner place of this temple (the sacred garden) so carefully, and this please My heart enormously. 

Tend your body, My temple, with as much care. Listen to what it needs and be gentle with it. If it is telling you it needs rest today - then rest! This is an act of worship to Me too, Dear One. 

Lay here in My arms, resting in sweet, trusting surrender. I cover you with Love as a blanket. Let any thoughts of things that need to be done float up to Me. Breathe in My Spirit breath. Breathe out stress. Rest and sleep held in My Love. 

Monday, 11 April 2016

Birthing New Lovers

"How beautiful on the mountains are the sandaled feet of this one bringing such good news.
You are truly royalty! 
The way you walk so gracefully in my ways displays such dignity.
You are truly the poetry of God - His very handiwork.
Out of your innermost being is flowing the fullness of my Spirit - never failing to satisfy. 
Within your womb there is a birthing of harvest wheat; they are the sons and daughters nurtured by the purity you impart. 
How gracious you have become! 
Your life stands tall as a tower, like a shining light on a hill. 
Your revelation eyes are pure, like pools of refreshing - sparkling light for a multitude.
Such discernment surrounds you, protecting you from the enemy's advance.
Redeeming love crowns you as royalty.
Your thoughts are full of life, wisdom, and virtue.
Even a King is held captive by your beauty. 
How delicious is your fair beauty; it cannot be described as I count the delights you bring to me.
Love has become the greatest...
For your kisses of love are exhilarating, more than any delight I've known before.
Your kisses of love awaken even the lips of sleeping ones to kiss me as you have done."
(Song of Songs 7:1-6,9)

Beloved, I am preparing to birth new Lovers through your life. They will be drawn to Me through the Love they see in you. Do not be surprised at this, as though I could not possibly use you, for this is what you are here for! This is your very purpose. I call you to the high places for this reason. 

As you tend your inner garden and see new fruits growing and see the River of Living Water flowing out, rest in the knowledge that it is I who does the work of drawing others to Myself. You just keep on drawing near to Me, follow My lead in this dance, and I will draw them. When they come, just love them from this place of Rest. 

You must not make this into work, into a burden of stress. When I bring others, it may appear as an inconvenient interruption, but let Me lead the dance. Trust Me, keep hold of My hand and dance colour and Life with Me. 

I will show you what to do. Refuse to fear the unknown. My Perfect Love drives out fear. Rest here a while longer in My Perfect Love until you are ready to face this new day!

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Cutting In

I see your anxiety that as you speak to others about what I am doing in you, others will look and see your obvious sinfulness and think of you as a hypocritical boast. Beloved, I am cutting off the weight of fear of man. Just let it go. There is no room for it here. I am cutting off false dignity, for that is Pride and Legalism too. And you have no need for it, for I have clothed you with Strength and Dignity. Though at times you feel exposed by speaking out about your deepest feelings, know that I am covering you, and you are never more dignified than when covered by Me. 

I am renewing your mind, My Precious Treasure. What joy this gives Me as you embrace the process. This is the transforming Dance of Love, is it not exquisitely beautiful and full of joy despite the pain of the stretching and aching as I teach your spirit new things? In the past, you have seen obedience as giving up your will to submit to Mine, but Beloved, I am showing you that it is about letting Me change your will so that it becomes Mine. What joy!  

As you and I dance together this week, be on the lookout for that sneaky Stress and Worry, who both love to cut in on us and spin you away in confusion until you trip and fall. Stress comes across our path frequently when you try to lead the dance. When you have a plan in mind as to where you want us to dance, if we deviate from that path (at My leading), stress makes an appearance and steals you away. 

Dear Heart, let Me lead this week. Even as you do your planning from this place of Rest, still allow for Me to hijack your plans or take you in a different direction than you were expecting. This may appear in many forms, some of which may seem quite unpleasant or downright inconvenient. But refuse to let go of My hand. Keep your eyes fixed on My Face and follow My steps. Spurn the advances of Frustration, Despair, Annoyance, Guilt, Stress and Worry, as they will all attempt to cut in and whisk you away from Me. Just focus on following My lead in the Dance of Love. 

Parenting From Perfect Love

Beloved, come up here with Me! I am cutting those weights that keep you earth-bound, remember! Up here, you have a different perspective on your life. You can see more clearly, with fresh clarity, love and joy. 

I see you struggle with the incongruity between the way you are in these times with Me and the way you are in the midst of stressful parenting moments. Years of habits come back in an instant. You react to your kids' sinful behaviour with firmness, harshness, hardness. I know you want a new way of parenting from this place of Peace. I want to show you how, Beloved. 

Come up here with Me. See how I lovingly guide and train you. Is there any room in My parenting for harshness? Unkindness? Threats? Spirit of Punishment? No! These are traits of the enemy, not of Me. Darling, I want to show you how to parent from Love. It takes a change in the innermost place. It is not about making them comply with your will, to suit you! It is about teaching them in love to manage their freedom. This takes so much patience, kindness and love, Beloved. It will hurt you to let them experience their natural consequences. You will not "leave them to their consequences" in a spirit of spite or punishment! They may still call you mean, but it will not hold the sting of truth to your spirit. 

Sweetheart, be soft. Be kind. Think of how things look from your children's perspective. Get down on their level and gently look them in the eye. Acknowledge their feelings, their points of view. Make the time for this. It is your responsibility to manage your time to allow for this. Do not take your stress out on them. Connect with your children and show them their choices - but not as threats! Not with force! Gently, kindly, lovingly and with understanding. Use laughter liberally. Don't take it upon yourself to quash their joy!! Beloved, embrace their joy! Learn from them in their unbridled fun, but train them gently but firmly and out of Love to rein it in. Teach them to consider others' feelings, both by word and example.

I discipline you, Dear One, but never from spite or a spirit of punishment. It pains Me to see you suffer the consequences of your choices. I do not watch with glee and think, "Ha, serves her right! Now she'll think twice about crossing Me!"

Fear has no place in your parenting. It is a shortcut to whitewashed tombs of legalism - kids who are looking good on the outside, making you look good, but the stench of rotting seeps out from the inside. There is no fear in Love, for fear has to do with punishment. (1 John 4:18) Perfect Love drives out fear. As you soak in My Perfect Love, fear will flee. It must! It cannot exist in the Presence of Perfect Love. 

Saturday, 9 April 2016

What Is Needful

I want to transform the way you do your planning, Dear One. So often you plan in the natural, from a place of stress. I want you to trust Me so much that you can leave all the details in My hands long enough to come aside with Me. Your planning will be much more efficient and effective if you have been soaking in My manifest Presence. You will have a clearer mind, and I will show you what is needful and what is a waste of your limited time and energy.

When you review your diary and do your planning with Me, you will see your whole week differently. You need not fear a week that"big" on paper. You need not fear a weekend without your husband around to help. When you plan from a place of Rest in My Presence, it comes naturally to trust Me with the details. Your anxiety about the problem is more of a problem than the problem. When you trust Me with the details, even if your circumstances end up being difficult, you will still be so much better off for not having carried that load of stress around in the lead-up!! 

As you go about your day, I will show you what is needful. As you do your daily chores with joy in your heart, everything changes! Such a flow-on effect that you cannot even begin to imagine. Smiling while doing housework will reduce tension in your face and neck, which will mean less headaches, less neck pain, less clenching and grinding at night...and these are just a few of the benefits! 

Joy in Me, Beloved! I am making all things new!

This Is How I See You!

"Listen, my dearest darling, you are so beautiful -- you are beauty itself to me!
Your eyes glisten with love, like gentle doves behind your veil. 
What devotion I see each time I gaze upon you. 
You are like a sacrifice ready to be offered. 
When I look at you I see that you have taken my fruit and tasted my Word. 
Your life has become clean and pure, like a lamb washed and newly shorn. 
You now show grace and balance with truth on display. 
Your lips are as lovely as Rahab's scarlet ribbon, speaking mercy, speaking grace.
The words of your mouth are as refreshing as an oasis. 
What pleasure you bring to me!
I see your blushing cheeks opened like the halves of a pomegranate,
Showing through your veil of tender meekness.
When I look at you I see your inner strength, so stately and strong. 
You are as secure as David's fortress.
Your virtues and grace cause a thousand famous soldiers to surrender to your beauty.
Your pure faith and love rest over your heart as you nurture those who are yet infants."
 (Song of Songs 4:1-5 TPT)

Yes, Beloved, this is how I see you! You do not need to blush in shame, as though you are hoarding some secret about what you are really like. You could never even unintentionally trick or deceive Me, Sweetheart! I know all you are, every inch of your very soul. I know the dark places, the ugly places, the sin places. But still you do not fully grasp...

It is My joy to see you through the lens of Christ crucified. I see you as REDEEMED, and you are all the more beautiful for the depth of pain it cost Me to render you thus!! This is amazing Grace, that I choose to look upon the ones I love and have given everything to win back. Yes! You are beautiful beyond compare to Me. 

So do not shrink away from Me, My Darling! Stand up tall in this Grace I shower on you and do Me the honour of returning My gaze of Love with boldness, confidence and joy! After all these years, you are finally learning who you truly are. What a day for rejoicing! 

Friday, 8 April 2016

Glory to Glory

Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come along with me!
I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out.
For now is the time, my beautiful one.
The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone.
The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers.
The season for pruning the vines has arrived.
I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth.
Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you?
The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting foth.
The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere.
The fragrance of flowers whispers, "There is change in the air."
Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place.
For now is the time to arise and come away with me.
For you are my dove, hidden in the split-open rock. 
It was I who took you and hid you up high in the secret stairway of the sky.
Let me see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice.
How beautiful your eyes of worship and lovely your voice in prayer.
You must catch the troubling foxes, those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship.
For they raid our budding vineyard of love to ruin what I've planted within you.
Will you catch them and remove them for me? We will do it together.   
(Song of Songs 2:10-15, TPT)

O Beloved One, I see you hesitate. You are not sure whether I really intend these words for you, now. Are you thinking of my words about the new day dawning two years ago, when soon thereafter you entered the toughest season of your life? But Beloved, you've known My Love like never before through this time! Remember that the dawn I spoke of was a new way of seeing, not a promise of smooth sailing. 

My Darling, do you not yet comprehend that your circumstances are mere tools in My hands, that I can use to draw you nearer? They are inconsequential in and of themselves! They are not your Dictator or Master. They do not change who you are. They cannot rob you of yourself. When you are surrendered to Me, they are just tools in the Potter's hands. Please do not rail against your circumstances, or make yourself a victim to them. They do not have power unless you give it to them. 

Chronic illness does not define you. I know that you feel as though it has changed you and you have lost yourself. But, Dear One, I AM the One who gives you your identity! In My hands, your chronic illness becomes a tool by which I can strip away self-reliance, pride, legalism and control. But remember, I am the Resurrection and the Life! I can bring to Life the elements of your personality that have been hitherto dormant, kept down by your control and pride. Embrace this process, Beloved Surrendered One! 

Already on this journey, you have discovered strength that you did not know you had. You have given up foods that you never thought you could. You have, by your desperation, found new ways to press into Me, and you have heard from Me more than ever before. So when I say that the season is changing, I mean it. I am not saying that your troubles will be gone. I am not saying that the way forward will be smooth. But I am saying that I am taking you from Glory to Glory in Me! I am taking you to new places. I am showing you this natural world through eyes of Love like never before. I am changing you, not your circumstances! 

Now, when I suggest that you give up something else, it is not to take you further into legalism. It is an invitation to sweet sacrifice for the sake of Love, to help you train your appetites. I see your willing heart. I hear your cries of "Yes, My Lord!" Your surrendered heart gives Me such joy. You have My heart, Beloved. I am yours!

Thursday, 7 April 2016

More Fully Alive

I see your disappointment in yourself. How, when you are with Me in this place, it seems so easy, so natural, so necessary! "How could I not do this at least once a day??" But when you are not in this place, it can seem completely impossible! "How could I ever steal away today??"

Search hungrily for opportunities, Beloved! Want it more than everything else! Don't let the foxes eat the buds and blooms! Hunger after Me with all that you are.

Beloved, remember that I celebrate your progress, not "perfection". Please don't hang back in shame when you don't like how you've been acting. You need all the more in these moments to see yourself as I see you...surrendered, Mine, willing, beautiful Bride! You need to keep coming and soaking in this Truth, as you don't yet fully believe it.

The more time you spend soaking in My Presence, the more fully alive you become. Keep coming back, Beloved, as often as you can!

I am opening your eyes to just how much even "harmless" entertainment can cost you, as it serves as a distraction from this place of re-filling. The Life-giving River. The place of Awakening. Reject "entertainment" for nourishment. For soul-restoring, spirit-awakening, life-giving soaking!

Darling, you cannot strive the old man into submission. You are attempting things from completely the wrong angle. Just love on Me, let Me love on you. As you soak in My Presence, My Spirit brings your spirit more fully to life, and to dominance over your old, natural man. You cannot work it into dominance. You can only rest it into dominance, as you connect spirit-to-Spirit with Me.

This is another of My mysteries in My upside-down kingdom. Let's laugh about that together! How fun it is to turn your natural thinking and reasoning on its head!

I am the God of Resurrection. I can bring things to life in you that you feel are lost and gone. I can resurrect motivation, energy, confidence and any number of other aspects of yourself that you miss.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Splashed with Living Water

Just soak in the Truth of how I see you, Beloved. I know it blows your mind, and your heart finds it hard to truly believe. But let Me speak it over you again and again. Rest under My banner of Love, drink My words in as sweet nectar. Receive this beautiful, inexplicable mystery with an open heart. 

I long to be close to you. I long to see your eyes of love turned to Me. I long to dance with you, especially in the difficult moments - it thrills Me when you turn your eyes to Me or lean into My arms in those moments! 

You give Me such an abundance of joy when you trustingly follow My lead in this dance. It delights My heart to dance with you. 

It all flows from here, Beloved. From the secret, sacred garden Love bursts forth. The whole point is to share it with others. A rich, joyful, beautiful inner life MUST flow out. The River runs, it does not stagnate. 

You will minister to others out of this richness. It will flow out of you. The more you get away with Me and soak with Me, the more it will naturally touch everything you do. You won't be able to keep silent. It will burn within you and spill out of your lips!

You need not forsake this place of safety to go out and minister. For as I am with you always, you carry the place of safety with you. Like Moses, your heart cries out, "I will not go anywhere that you are not leading me!" Let us go together! Let us dance, Beloved; let us dance colour into lives all around! 

My River of Living Water flows from your garden. As you interact with others, they are splashed with Living Water!

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Communion of Our Spirits

I am rooting out the weeds and watering the barren places. I am tending your secret garden with you, so that it is a place that we both love to come to, whenever we get a chance to steal away. 

The enemy has lied to you, telling you that you need entertainment or you will get bored with those mindless tasks on a daily basis. LIE! The TRUTH is that I want to steal away with you at every opportunity, especially during those mindless tasks, as they present a perfect opportunity for communion of our spirits. We never cover all the ground we need to in our time together, so let's grab every chance to speak together. 

This is a revolutionary principle for you, Beloved. It must evoke change.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

You Captivate Me!

Beloved, you are Mine and I am yours! You have captivated My heart with your worship, your loving looks steal My Heart. Let this soak in...this is truly how I see you! Not by anything that you do or don't do, but because you are Mine. 

You truly do bring Me bliss! I delight in you! I adore you! I love you in a crazy, abandoned way. You captivate Me and I am lost in your gaze. My equal, My bride, I love you!

"Arise, my darling!
Come quickly, my Beloved. 
Come and be the graceful gazelle with me. 
Come and be like a dancing deer with me.
We will dance in the high places of the sky,
Yes, on the mountains of fragrant spice. 
Forever we shall be 
United as one!" 
(Song of Songs 8:14)

This is what it means to seek first the kingdom. There are so many problems you are seeking answers to, but if you just drop them and focus fully on Me in this moment...nothing else matters. You know that I will bring answers and solutions to you when you need them. 

You  know that this is paramount. You and I, alone. Joy in each others' presence. Grab these moments whenever you can!