Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Death for Life

I am opening your eyes to how often you operate from fear. This is not to discourage you, dear one! Instead, I am showing you this so that you can discover how many opportunities you have each day to make a different choice! A choice to die to your fear and let Me live through you. Resurrection power at work in the persistent struggles you face every day! 

I did not intend for this life to be one of struggling just to survive...I came that you might have LIFE! ABUNDANT and VICTORIOUS LIFE! But for that life to be at work in you, you need to die to certain thought habits, attitudes and behaviours. If you want to truly live, you will need to die to your right to whinge and complain about your lot; die to self-pity, die to self-sufficiency; and die to excessive planning and control. 

This is a painful process. Death always is. But a seed must die and be buried in the ground before it can burst forth in new life. 

Remember the Divine Exchange - you never come out worse off! I gave ALL OF MYSELF, that I might have ALL OF YOU. You give Me your dirty and tattered rags of your attempts at holy living - I replace them with shining robes of My righteousness! This is a one-off transaction, completed on the cross and through the empty tomb. However, you need to walk this out each and every day. You must give up something in order to gain everything.

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