Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Rest and Rejoice

Psalm 5

Know that I hear your cries and your sighing. Lay your requests before Me and wait in expectation! Your heart is heavy this morning. Lay down your burdens, truly release them. (Ps 5:1-3)

I know that you are disappointed in yourself - how easily the doubt creeps in. Just a few well-meaning words from a caring friend or family member and you start questioning your judgement in trusting Me. Fear looms large and intimidating. You begin to cower...STOP! Remember who I AM! Take refuge in Me, your strong tower! Refuse to allow fear to lock you up in its dark dungeon again. Speak out My Word, it is living and active and has mighty power! 

Remember the truth that seeking Me is your best preparation. No amount of medical information can better prepare you to face your daughter's future. I hold her in My hand. Do not borrow trouble from tomorrow. Trust that I will help and guide you to the right information at the right time. 

Right now, it is crucial to guard against fear - the enemy of your soul. You are no longer a slave to fear, but fear will continue to do its best to entice you back into slavery. Rest here in My perfect Love. Fear has no place here. My perfect Love is full of Light, fear is darkness that cannot stand My Light. 

As you take refuge in Me, be glad! Keep on singing for joy! I spread My protection over you. I surround you with favour as with a shield. (Ps 5:11-12) You are protected by My Love, My Presence. I cover you with My protection. Rest in this covering. Rest, dear one. Rest and rejoice. This is perfect medicine for your aching heart. Rest and sing for joy.