Monday, 31 March 2014

Walk With Me

My dear daughter, you always want to know the end of the story before you get there! How many times have you sneaked a look at the last chapter of a book, to see if you like the ending enough to bother with the the book? The journey is just as important as the destination. You know this, or you would not love reading Dickens as you do. 

You crave short-cuts, quick fixes and easy solutions. You want me to give you rules and formulas to follow, to make life "easier" - but I don't work that way. 

The journey is intended to be much richer, full of adventure and romance. If I give you short-cuts, you miss out on amazing views along the way. If I give you quick fixes, you are not strengthened by the climb. If I give you rules and formulas to follow, you don't learn to lean on Me for each step. 

Stay close to Me. I will show you the way forward. I will show you where to place your feet to avoid falling. When you let go of Me and stumble and trip - call for Me and reach out to Me, and I am right there to help you up again. 

Walk with Me, dear one. Walk with Me.  

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Let Me Love All of You

Let yourself fall even more in love with Me. Do not listen to fear's lies that I will ask too much of you if you really give Me all of you. I am not cruel. Please believe this - I am not out to punish you! I am not some divine masochist who derives pleasure from human suffering! 

Let me in to the deepest parts of you. You are free to be completely vulnerable with Me. I AM the only One who loves you with no hidden agenda, no self to get in the way. I AM the only One who can ever love you totally and completely. 

Do not fear Me, dear one. I AM perfect Love; there is no room for fear here. Trust My Love. Do not shy away from Me. 

You have always heard stories from My Word - what trials and tribulations My people have had to go through, and deep, deep down, you told yourself that I AM not to be trusted, because I allow My people to face pain, persecution and bitter loss. After all, I AM the one who asked Abraham, My friend and the father of My chosen people to give up his most beloved son as a sacrifice. "How could perfect Love even ask that?" you have questioned. It seemed to you like some kind of cruel joke. 

But Abraham knew Me well enough to trust My Goodness. He knew that he could never out-give Me. He knew of My Faithfulness to My Word, and he trusted Me completely (Romans 4:16-21; Hebrews 11:17-19). 

The truth is, dear beloved, this world is full of pain, loss and heartache. It is not possible for you to avoid it! The enemy wants to hold you back from experiencing the ONE THING that can make pain bearable - intimacy with Me! He would have you believe that somehow, if you hold yourself aloof from Me, you can avoid the deepest kinds of pain. That pain will not have as much power to hurt you. He tells you that I would betray you. He makes me out to be a liar, when in fact, he is the father of lies. This is not a new tactic, he has been at it since the garden of Eden. (Genesis 3)

I have created you to need intimacy with Me, and I offer it to you wholeheartedly. I crave intimacy with you too. My deepest longing is for My precious children to trust and love me completely. My heart is tender, dear one. The tenderest heart in the entire cosmos. I have known pain that you cannot even begin to guess at. My Love for you cost Me dearly. Now let Me love you, dear heart. Please let Me love you. Let Me love all of you.   

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Perfect Love

I am a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know My name will trust in Me, for I have never forsaken those who seek Me. (Psalm 9:9-10)

My Love for you is never ending, never forsaking, never changing. You can trust Me completely, because I love you with a perfect Love. I AM Love. I cover you with Love. Let this truth seep into your reality. I LOVE YOU. 

No matter what you face, you are covered by My Love. This does not mean your journey is easy, BUT - you are LOVED! The world searches for True Love, and you already possess it! As you spend time with Me, I want to increase your awareness of this Love. I want you to begin to truly believe that you are perfectly loved. I want you to live from that place of knowing you are perfectly loved. 

I want to fill you to overflowing with an awareness of this Love that gave everything, not just for you, but for each person you come into contact with. This Love has transforming power when you really believe it! 

Friday, 28 March 2014

Your True Identity

Psalm 8

Remember that I AM the One who created the universe - I spoke life into being, formed man and woman with My own hands, made each star and moon, planet and sun and placed them exactly where I wanted them!

Remember that I AM your personal and very involved Father also. I care about every detail of your life, and I want you to share your every moment with Me. 

I AM not just one or the other - I AM both Creator and Father. Approach Me with the confidence of a child who fully trusts in the love of her parent; but also in the awareness of My awe and power. 

My dear child, you will not make Me angry by asking for good gifts! But do not forget to worship Me for WHO I AM, not just for what I can give you. The more you worship and love on Me for who I AM, the more confident you will become in accessing the power I have already given you permission to draw on. You have the keys of the Kingdom. But they were never intended to be used apart from My Presence. 

The more you soak in My Presence and shower your love and affection on Me for My own sake, the more you will realise who you are in My Kingdom. You know in your head that you are a daughter of the King of kings, one of the royal priesthood, a friend of God, equipped with the same death-defying power through which I rose from the death...but you do not often act like you know this!

As you soak in My Presence, you begin to absorb the heart revelation of your identity in Me. You cannot force this. You do not seek Me for this purpose. But as you seek Me for Me alone, fixing your eyes on My Face, you can begin to see yourself as you truly are. No amount of self-reflection or self-awareness can reveal this true identity to you - you can only discover it as a delightful side effect of living in communion with Me.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Circular Hide and Seek

Psalm 7:17 "I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High."

When you speak My name in sweet affection, just to tell Me how much you love Me - how this warms My heart! When you seek Me for the sheer joy of being in My Presence - how this delights Me! 

You know I love for you to come to Me with your heart's burdens, when you seek Me because you NEED to receive from Me just to keep going. I do love to meet your needs. 

But there is another level of joy and delight that I experience when you love on Me without consciously needing something from Me. When you speak to Me specifically of all the aspects of My character that you adore!  

I love this time that we have together each day. I love that you have found a way to make this a priority in your life. I love that you have begun to calculate how you can make more time, for the joy of being in My Presence. 

I love to be pursued by My watch them discover the beautiful mystery of being pursued by the One they pursue. A circular game of hide and seek. I love to hide where you can find me, because I am, in fact, chasing after you. 
Jeremiah 29:13-14a "'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and will bring you back from captivity."

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Rest and Rejoice

Psalm 5

Know that I hear your cries and your sighing. Lay your requests before Me and wait in expectation! Your heart is heavy this morning. Lay down your burdens, truly release them. (Ps 5:1-3)

I know that you are disappointed in yourself - how easily the doubt creeps in. Just a few well-meaning words from a caring friend or family member and you start questioning your judgement in trusting Me. Fear looms large and intimidating. You begin to cower...STOP! Remember who I AM! Take refuge in Me, your strong tower! Refuse to allow fear to lock you up in its dark dungeon again. Speak out My Word, it is living and active and has mighty power! 

Remember the truth that seeking Me is your best preparation. No amount of medical information can better prepare you to face your daughter's future. I hold her in My hand. Do not borrow trouble from tomorrow. Trust that I will help and guide you to the right information at the right time. 

Right now, it is crucial to guard against fear - the enemy of your soul. You are no longer a slave to fear, but fear will continue to do its best to entice you back into slavery. Rest here in My perfect Love. Fear has no place here. My perfect Love is full of Light, fear is darkness that cannot stand My Light. 

As you take refuge in Me, be glad! Keep on singing for joy! I spread My protection over you. I surround you with favour as with a shield. (Ps 5:11-12) You are protected by My Love, My Presence. I cover you with My protection. Rest in this covering. Rest, dear one. Rest and rejoice. This is perfect medicine for your aching heart. Rest and sing for joy.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Find Rest Here

Find rest here in My Presence, My dear one. Relax into My embrace. Don't rush away. It brings Me joy and delight to have you bring the sacrifice of your time and full concentration. I know it is hard for you to discipline your mind when it is telling you there is a busy day ahead and much to do. 

Just sit with Me and savour this time. Trust all the fiddly details of your day. I want to show you what I can do! When you give of your prime time to Me, I find it so FUN to surprise you throughout the day with little gifts - extra time, details just getting sorted without you, a run of green lights when there should not be - these little gifts are not the same each time, and I know you don't spend time with Me in order to earn these...but look for them today, dear one, and smile with Me! 

See how I yearn to connect with you in a hundred little ways each day! Linger a while longer, and share another heart-smile with Me.  

Monday, 24 March 2014

Practise Thanksgiving

You are becoming more aware of My Presence with you throughout each day. But do not grow lazy in seeking Me. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Practise thanksgiving...I know it is flowing naturally from you as a result of how grateful you feel for My Presence and My Words to you. But don't stop there. Press in in giving thanks. Give thanks not only for what you have seen Me do, but also for what I am about to do. Notice the joy this stirs in your heart. 

When circumstances arise during your day that seem unpleasant, difficult, or just plain annoying, give thanks for who I AM, and for My Presence with you. I am not asking you to give thanks for the trials, but give thanks that I AM always with you, walking you through each situation that you face. 

This helps you to keep your eyes fixed on Me, and not on your problems. When you focus your eyes on your problems, you go straight into DIY mode, and you freak out! Keep your eyes fixed on Me, and you need not fear, though "tens of thousands assail you on every side." (Psalm 3:6)

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Remember Who I AM!

Keep your dream of total healing surrendered to Me. Be tenacious in your faith, consistent in your prayers, but always with the final outcome surrendered to Me! Do not make an idol of your desire for total healing for your little girl. Also, do not give up Hope. 

On the other hand, your mind would love to rush ahead and plan every minute detail of the scenarios the doctors have said are most likely. While this seems, in the natural, to be the most sensible, practical, and even responsible thing to do - resist the urge. This is DIY mode, leaning on your own strength, and it's actually dangerous for you right now. This will derail your focus and dependence on Me. 

Trust Me. Trust that I will open the way before you. Trust that I will show you when to deal with each detail. Make a record of your questions and details that need sorting, then see what I shall do! 

Trust Me with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Me, and I shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Remember who I AM! Your organisational abilities are only a tiny flicker of Mine. I called this earth into being. I keep My eyes on every single person at the same time. Multi-tasking is My specialty. Trust Me with this. I have access to more resources than you can even dream possible. Remember who I AM. And trust Me. 

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Sure and Certain Hope

I AM your sure and certain Hope. When your Hope is in Me, you will not be shaken. Though the earth trembles and the mountains fall into the sea...though your world feels topsy-turvy...though your expectations are shattered...I AM. Fix your heart securely on Me, place your Hope firmly in Me, and I will hold you steady. 

When your mind begins frantically scrambling for a plan for how to survive - speak out your Hope. Declare it, sing it out, announce it! Your Hope is not based on circumstances, or on a fairytale, or on positive thinking. You have a sure and certain Hope that I AM. 

Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - their Hope was in Me. They knew I was capable of rescuing them, and they held steadfast, whether or not they would be delivered. They did not waver in their Hope, and My Presence was with them in the fiery furnace, miraculously keeping them alive when all laws of nature said they could not possibly live. 

This is who I AM. You can place your Hope securely in Me, knowing that I AM entirely capable of completely healing your little girl. But that even if I don't, I AM still with you, no matter what. Rest secure in this Hope, and you will not be shaken! 

Daniel 3

Friday, 21 March 2014

Yield Your Heart

See how I am giving you Grace to see you through each day? My Grace is like the manna - you need to receive it each day, just enough for that day. You cannot inoculate yourself against the future. Just receive the Grace for today, and leave tomorrow in my hands.

Your mind wants to rush ahead, to think through all the implications of yesterday's news - how this might affect your other children, your marriage and your life. But discipline your mind to stay here with Me. Stay in today. 

Remember: your best preparation is to draw near to Me. Let me build up your strength. I am able to do this only to the degree that you truly surrender, yield yourself to Me. This is one way I limit Myself by the gift of free will. But the beauty of this is - the more you willingly yield yourself to Me, the more I can strengthen you. 

You have felt like you have had very little reserves of energy these past several weeks - this is because you yield to Me, then switch back into Do-It-Yourself mode. Learn to stay yielded. You need to practise this. Recognise the signs of D-I-Y mode: 
  • pride at how much you are accomplishing, or about how you are coping, followed closely by - 
  • feeling stressed and anxious
  • feeling overwhelmed, often followed by -
  • snapping at your husband and children
  • thinking "how am I going to do ___ ?", and ending up -
  • sobbing "I can't do this!"
Pick up on the pride first, before you spiral downwards and out of control. When you recognise these feelings of pride, run to Me. Yield your heart to Me, and draw strength from Me. Victorious living flows from a consistently yielded heart. 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Dance Through Your Tears

Dance through your tears, my lovely. Your sacrifice of praise blesses My heart. I love you, dear one. I love you so much more than you can ever know. Soak in that love! Drink it in. 

Feel the refreshing wind of My Spirit blowing across your face. Bask in the sunshine of My love. 

Just sit with the awareness of the challenges ahead, but don't let fear mask My Presence. Let My Presence hold you as you look towards the way ahead. Yes, you will face storms and darkness, but I will go before you as a pillar of fire to light your way. Just keep your eyes fixed on Me, and I will not let your foot slip. 

This does not mean that there will not be danger and difficulties, but that My sweet Presence will be with you each step of the way. 

You must discipline your mind as never before. Do not entertain even a hint of self-pity, guilt, victim mentality, or questioning "why?". Guard against these with all of your strength, as they will lead you down slippery slopes.

Fix your heart and mind on Me. Anchor your thoughts to My Word. Do not let your gaze slip from My Face. Be steadfast in your pursuit of My Presence. I DO reward those who diligently seek Me. I reward them with the light of My Face. 

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Lean Into Me

Lean into Me. Let Me carry the burdens for you. Do not pick them up again - leave them in My hands. Rest in My Presence. This is your best preparation! Know the joy of throwing off weighty burdens and dancing with Me in the midst of difficult circumstances. 

"As they pass through the Valley of Baca (tears), they make it a place of springs." (Psalm 84:6)

This is not some Pollyanna attitude of "let's find some good in this hard time"...this is realising the absolute Truth that I AM. I AM with you, and that is always cause for dancing. Dance away the fear - this way, you can declare your refusal to be fear's marionette puppet. 

Dance with joy in My Presence - just for the joy of being with Me - and through this simple act, I can wage war on the enemy of your soul. 

Defy despair - dance and sing with all your heart! Take joy in trusting Me. Your trust is not a concession of weakness - it is a BOLD and decisive act, based on FIRM and SOLID EVIDENCE that I AM the One most trust-worthy. 

When your heart begins to waver - recite my credentials:
  • Creator of the universe
  • Parter of the Red Sea
  • The winner of wars
  • The One who never leaves nor forsakes. 
Keep adding to this list, and this will keep your mind occupied in a healthy way.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

See, I Am Doing A New Thing

Psalm 61

My child, my sweet child. Can you feel Me with you right now? Let those tears flow...let the pain out, and feel My arms of comfort holding you secure as you cry. I AM big enough to hold your pain. To hold your myriad of emotions that you feel right now. Hope, joy, love, disappointment, fear, sadness...

But don't forget to take joy in the fact that I have created life inside you. I love that precious life you saw kicking and stretching today; just as I love you. I am holding her, just as I am holding you. 

See, I AM doing a NEW THING in you right now. There is not a soul exactly like your daughter. She is a new creation of Mine, and I love her! I delight in her, just as she is! I dance over her! I see her as beautiful! Like a branch of honeysuckle blossoms let off a fragrant scent that is heady to the one who is close, so this child of yours gives Me such heady joy! I LOVE her. It is okay for you to let go of your fear, and rejoice over her with singing. 

Don't be afraid of her, of what pain she may bring to your life. Only be aware of how fear has the power to cripple you. Let her stir your heart. Let yourself love her completely. Don't hold back. Be brave. 

I have great things in store for our girl. The name you have had on your heart for months is not an accident. You are drawn to this name because it is prophetic of who she is and who she will be. Dare to believe this! 

Soak yourself in My Presence. Do not leave until you are full of My Truth. Learn to turn you heart towards Me - not in a desperate grasping, but in a confident gaze, knowing your every need is met in My Presence. Because your one truest need is Me

Friday, 14 March 2014


You are letting fear have a foothold. The enemy has been whispering lies, and you have been agreeing with them. Reject those lies! Remember, you have weapons, not of this world, specifically for use in demolishing strongholds, and any argument that sets itself up against Christ.

The battle is far from over. Let me renew your strength so that you can fight the good fight of faith. Be vigilant - do not let a single lie remain unchallenged. Do not rehearse the lies and turn the lies over in your mind - tune into Me so that you can recognise a lie of the enemy immediately, and cut it down before it can take root in your mind. 

Do not allow the enemy the satisfaction of derailing your focus on Me through your children's normal, natural behaviour. Stay with Me, and I will help you to see their fighting, whinging, resisting discipline for what it is. I will help you to distance yourself in a healthy way, so that you can be more clear-headed, wise, loving and kind in your response to them. Let me help you to take your pride out of the equation. 

You are carrying around a millstone of anxiety, and it is wearing you out, sapping your strength, and leaving you soul-weary. DUMP IT, NOW! Yes, really, throw it into the ocean of My grace, and let it sink. It is not helping you to stay focused on Me.

Entrust the issues on your mind to Me - truly trust that I will help you to remember to attend to each one in the perfect time, and when you can actually do something about it.
So much of what consumes your mind is future-focused. The "what ifs". In some way, you feel that you can be better prepared if you think through and process all possible scenarios. Well, let Me tell you - your mind is not big enough to hold all the "what ifs" - there are MILLIONS of possible scenarios, and you cannot begin to be prepared in this way.

Your BEST preparation, every time, is to lean into Me! Spend time with Me, let ME hold the future. I AM there, as much as I AM here, and I AM yesterday. TRUST ME!
This lesson is hard for you to put into practice. I see how much agony, stress, disturbed sleep that this simple act of trusting Me could save you, but I CAN'T DO IT FOR YOU! You have to do it. I wish I could do it for you, but it is up to you to do it. Please, just give in to Me, TRUST ME!

Monday, 10 March 2014

Live By Faith, Not By Fear

Trust Me, My child. Truly trust Me. Don't get caught up in the lie because you don't trust yourself, you limit Me. Just trust Me, over and over again. Live by faith, not by fear. Refuse to let fear rule you. 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Don't Be Fooled

Don't be fooled by your circumstances. I AM with you always. Don't proceed until you've got a connection with Me. I'm always here. Go forth from that place of connection with Me, and your choices and actions will be sound and true. But as soon as you lose touch, you act out of your unreliable feelings. Sometimes they will lead you well, sometimes they will trap you.

Psalm 61

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Cling To My Truth

Psalm 46

Don't let yourself be derailed so easily today. Cling to My truth as though your life depends on it. I AM with you always. Nothing is too big for Me. Trust Me. Be in this moment with Me!