Beloved, come play with Me! It is just as important to make time in your day to play with Me, as it is to commune with Me in a more serious way. Come laugh with Me, do some swing dancing, slide down the waterfall then relax into complete rest, floating in the River of Life.
Sharing the words God speaks to my heart on my journey to trusting Him more fully.
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Monday, 30 May 2016
No More Disappointment or Discouragement
Beloved, you used to think that the key to avoiding disappointment was to "manage your expectations" - but this essentially meant expecting a low level outcome and anything better was a bonus. But this did not work very well, as it was from a negative, earthbound perspective. Beloved, you could not understand how to be expectant in faith, but then not disappointed if things you hoped for did not come to pass.
A child who loves and trusts her Father perfectly and knows that she is loved perfectly can ask Daddy for anything with hopeful expectancy, and joyfully accept a "no" or "not yet", because she trusts Him completely - and knows He has His perfect, unselfish reasons for that answer. These reasons are never lack of supply, for Daddy has access to unlimited supply! These reasons are never manipulative or on a selfish whim. These reasons always flow from Perfect Love. Trust Me completely, My Dear Child.
You never need be beset by disappointment or discouragement again!
Saturday, 28 May 2016
Yes and Amen
How beautifully different and glorious it is to wake on the day of a big event after a calm night's sleep with a peaceful heart - no stress at all! To run into your Daddy's arms, climb up on His lap, and kiss Him all over His face. You take His face in your hands and ask with complete confidence, "Please can I have Your peace dwell in me all day? And Love that overflows and fills this house and spills on everyone who comes through that door? Thank you, Daddy!"
You have good parents but you were often afraid to ask them for things because you thought there was never enough to go around. But you have let go of the pauper's rags and poverty mindset, and you now know you belong to the King of kings who has all supply!
Ask and you will receive as you ask "in My name" - that is, as you live in union withMe, it is I within you who asks on your behalf, though you speak the words, and My Father's response is "Yes! And amen!"
Friday, 27 May 2016
How I Love You!
"The shepherd laughed too. 'I love doing preposterous things,' He replied. 'Why, I don't know anything more exhilerating and delightful than turning weakness into strength, and fear into faith, and that which has been marred into perfection.'" (Hinds Feet on High Places)
"You awaken us to delight in Your praise, for You made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You." (St Augustine)
Beloved, how I love you! Your beauty is beyond compare! The tender love you show Me, by your yielded life, thrills My heart and captivates Me. I am yours and you are Mine. Beloved, come dance with Me this morning, upon the grassy hills of the secret garden.
You twirl and spin with your garment of praise - such beauty and grace delights and enraptures Me. To see the laid-down love in your eyes as you dance for My delight gives Me joy unspeakable! Your joyful confidence in My Goodness is a beautiful thing!
I called you awake and out of bed early this morning for this - to pour out My Love and My delight upon you! Not for a word of admonishment or warning - just to Love on you and remind you who you are...One Loved By Me! Embrace this mysterious and delicious Truth today, My Precious One.
The love you pour out on others flows from this place. Continue to be a channel of My Love, My Darling.
"Don't yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts - instead, be courageous!" (John 14:27)
There is a constant battle raging for influence over you. You are the one who has power to turn the tide. In every situation, you yield to something - either fear, self-pity, discouragement, fear of man, etc.; or to Me, to My will and to My Love. You get to choose to what you yield. Isn't that exciting? You don't have to let a "discouraging situation" discourage you, if you choose to yield to joyful trust in Me!
"Don't yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts - instead, be courageous!" (John 14:27)
There is a constant battle raging for influence over you. You are the one who has power to turn the tide. In every situation, you yield to something - either fear, self-pity, discouragement, fear of man, etc.; or to Me, to My will and to My Love. You get to choose to what you yield. Isn't that exciting? You don't have to let a "discouraging situation" discourage you, if you choose to yield to joyful trust in Me!
Thursday, 26 May 2016
The Place of True Heart-Rest
Love is growing in your heart, Beloved. It really is! I can taste the fruit in your heart garden already.
Beloved, as you are faithful in listening to My voice, yielding your will and obeying joyfully, there will still be things that don't go the way that you expect them to. This does not mean that you heard wrong. Do not second guess - when I call you to a life of obedience; walking with the Spirit; "moving by the impulses of the Spirit"; "moving to the unforced rhythm of My Grace" - I call you to follow without questioning and second guessing. Do not let doubt in, even for a moment! If you think you are doubting yourself and whether or not you heard correctly, reject this as a lie of the deceiver, the father of lies; for when you yield to Me, you are trusting that I will show you what to do. Go forward, let the past go, even the past of five miutes ago, and press forward in joyful trust and obedience. Trust that I will show you if there is something that you need to follow up on or make right!
I call you to rest as a lifestyle! My way is to energise you through My Presence, which is best found in the place of true heart-rest. You are learnign to live from this place of rest. It will become a habit, like breathing!
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how i do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (Matt 11:28-30 The Msg)
Monday, 23 May 2016
Every Little Matter
Be vigilant about handing over every little care and concern to Me. In the parable of the sower, the weeds of life's distractions and cares are what crowd out the kingdom message and "prevent him from bearing spiritual fruit". As you tend your garden, you pull out each weed as I point them out to you. We work on this together.
Bring every little matter before Me and yield it to Me. I tell you in Philippians 4:6 not to be worried about a thing - and I do not ask anything of you that I do not also expower you to do, th rough My Resurrection Life at work in you! What beautiful freedom!
In Proverbs 3:5-6, I say to trust in Me completely! And with all your heart to rely on Me to guide you, and I will lead you in all the decisions you make. As you become increasingly intimiate with Me, I'll lead you wherever you go! As you diligently avoid all that is wrong by being in awe and wonder of Me, this is where your healing starts!
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Shed a Greater Light Abroad
Beloved, My Love is not an ulterior motive. I love you, and I want to be with you always, every moment!
My Love in you is not an ulterior motive, either! You need not feel guilty for wanting to introduce others to me! When you first met and fell in love with your husband, you could not wait for your friends and family to meet him! How much more for Me, who can save them from themselves?!
If you keep gazing on Me, I will open your eyes to needs all around. My Love transforms your vision. Serving need not be a chore! You get the privilege of pouring My Love on others, partnering with Me. It is a joy and a delight!
Having children will not stop you from serving - in fact, it is imperative that they see your love in action where I send you. Share with them the joy of secret giving, also.
The world will see Me by your love for one another. This is how I draw people. This Love is genuine, not exclusive. There is always room for another to be welcomed into the embrace. In a world full of insincere "care" with secret hatred, as well as blatant outright hatred, My Lovers will stand out as stars in the universe by their extravagant Love for each other and others.
Your hearts burn with My all-consuming fire of Love. As you gather together, the flames join as one in Me, and shed a greater light abroad. Others are drawn to this light and the warmth it offers freely to all who would receive it. As you bring others into your cirlce, they are warmed and heartened by the fire, and the longer they spend with you, the more likely their hearts will also be set ablaze. But even before they are, they will benefit from just being near you. As you go about living life with them, they can see more clearly by the light you shine, and feel cared for and warm by the heat your fire gives. Every act of love counts. Not one is wasted.
Saturday, 21 May 2016
The Redeemed Personality
"Since this is the kind of life we have chosem, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives." Gal 5:25 (Msg)
Every attribute of your character and your personality is now redeemed. Therefore, the very traits that previously casued you they most trouble can now be your greatest assets.
You were called a "strong-willed child"...Beloved, when your will is yielded to mine, your strong will is in accordance with Mine,a dn will be tremendously helpful as you stand against the onslaught of arrows from self-pity, fear, victim mentality, discouragement, spirit of heaviness, shame, guilt, or any other of your familiar enemies. Your yielded strong will can help you stand, stubbornly refusing to wallow, insisting on rejoicing in confident trust at all the Anointed One allows to touch your life.
Behold, the redeemed personality! The redeemed imagination! That which used to torment you can now give you access to amazing adventures with Me!
Friday, 20 May 2016
Weapons of Warfare
There is no need to be covered before Me, as you are no longer bound by shame. I have removed your shame. Here in our secret garden, you can walk with Me like Adam and Eve before the fall. Walk and talk, face to face, completely unhindered by shame.
You are fed directly by My hand - the Bread of Life and the Living Water! This is our private place of intimacy, you are perfectly safe to be yourself here.
When you go about your day, you need protected. I clothe you in robes of righteousness, in strength and dignity, in the garment of praise and in your armour. You are a warrior-princess! Your dance is your weapon of warfare, as is your song of praise. You have your sandals of readiness of the gospel of peace, your shield of faith, sword of the Spirit, helmet of salvation, belt of Truth and breastplate of righteousness.
As you survey the scene before you, you see everything with the gaze of Love, for you have been staring into My eyes. When you see your children fighting, you see them in the spiritual realm. Instead of seeing them as an inconvenience and an annoyance to deal with, you see them beset within and without by the enemy. In your warrior dance, you attack their enemy with your sword and tend to your children's wounds with loving tenderness. You teach them how to use their weapons too.
When you need to take flight, you have the Holy Spirit dove to climb onto and soar up high above your circumstances. Then you can survey the scene from above!
Thursday, 19 May 2016
The First Gate and the Second
My wisdom is growing in you. See to it that you do not poison the roots by words or thoughts that are unkind, unloving or unlovely. Keep gazing on Me until your heart fills with My Love.
Words are so very powerful. Therefore, take seriously all of the warnings in My Word to watch every word that comes out of your mouth.
I am the Bread of Life, I am the Living Water - eat and drink of Me until you have your fill. Beloved, as you "eat My flesh" and "drink My blood" you are partaking in My Lifeforce and allowing Me to live My Life through you.
Everything that I am will become fruit in your life - you will become patient, kind, compassionate, loving, trusting, generous, passionate, wise, caring...So many of these traits are expressed through your words, so guard your heart carefully as the first gate; and your mouth equally carefully as the second gate.
You used to think that sanctificiation happened just as you spend "quiet time" in My Presence, but you are learning that every moment of the day is an opportunity to live close to Me and let Me live through you - especially the frustrating, unpleasant, boring and painful moments. Be grateful for these, therefore, and truly yield to and treust Me for My answers in how to deal with each of these.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Free From Fear of Man!
Beloved, during My time on earth as a man, I did not have to work at being free from fear of man - I just kept My eyes fixed on My Father. As long as you are in right relationship with Me and know who you are, you will care less and less about pleasing man, and more and more about loving them as I do. For as long as fear of man motivates you, you will be held back from truly loving others the way I do.
Fear of man causes you to break the royal law of Love (James 2:8). This is your highest law.
As you let Me live My Life through you, you will continue to discover greater freedom in this realm. Freedom from fear of man, freedom to love others extravagantly as you love Me. It will come pouring out of you naturally as you abide in Me, constantly yielding up your own selfish desires and reactions. This is how I change you fr4om the inside out!
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Done With "Shoulds"!
My Darling, you are done with "shoulds" for good! Catch every "should" before it leaves your mouth and yield it to Me. Speak instead, "I will..." or "I will not...", as I lead you. You are no longer bound by "shoulds"! I have set you free!
You have questions about the role of contending in the life of faith, if faith is actually about yielding to Me. Contending is an important part of this lifestyle of yielding, Beloved, just not in the way you are used to thinking abou them.
The primary place the contending happens is in your thoughts and emotions. In order to yield completely and to stay completely yielded, you often have to wrestle a thought or emotion into submission to Me. There is much action in this "inaction" of yielding. Just as it takes enormous effort and muscle control to stay perfectly still in a given position, so it takes enormous self-control (by the spirit) and faith to stay yielded in a given situation.
Your flesh is dead but zombie-like in its persistence to keep rising and trying to take back control of your body, mind and spirit. It is dead, but you must reckon it dead many times a day by your will and through faith.
For many years, you have lived as a captive to your fleshly thoughts, emotions and desires, but no longer! I have set you free! No longer at the mercy of your frustrations, worries, fears, insecurities, prideful thoughts or superior attitudes. When you were trapped in self-loathing just a few months again, it was your flesh-control that you were loathing, but you never have to live under that again!
As you stay yielded to Me, I can use you as an instrument to change culture and society around you. You cannot do it yourself. Yield every passion to Me, tell Me your desires and ask if you can do something. I love to work through you! I will show you the next step to take! I can accomplish infinitely more through you when you are yielded than when you are acting in your own strength!
All worthy causes already matter to My own heart! I suffer when I see My Beloved Ones suffer. I care deeply about the poor, they lonely, the neglected, the refugees, widows and orphans.
Monday, 16 May 2016
Trust Me to Keep You From Error
I am setting your heart ablaze to burn with My all-consuming fire of Love. What joy it is to burn with Love! Even the pain carries joy.
Do not entertain any of the doubts the enemy would suggest to you. Trust Me completely to keep you from error as you test everything against My Word. Does not My Word in scripture confirm what you are learning as you listen to Me? Does it not make more sense to you now than ever before? Dare to yield all to Me and trust Me absolutely, no exceptions!
You will see Holy Spirit fruit that will also confirm the Truth of this way of walking with Me. In fact, you are already seeing fruit!
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Yielding in Joyful Confidence
In the past, you have often been confused about the issue of healing, but you have been coming at it from entirely the wrong angle. You have been trying to believe for healing without the revelation of what it truly means to be hidden with Christ in God.
Start with yielding in joyful confidence - yielding your will to My will. You will to feel better, but you are no longer a slave to your feelings. While I do not want you to be sick, I can use it. Trust Me completely and yield in joyful, confident trust.
Stay yielded - acceptance with joy means no grumbling, murmuring, whinging, and not a hint of self-pity. Do not speak out any grumbling words, but also yield every grumbling thought immediately. This is the beginning of healing for you, Beloved!
You have habitually whinged and moaned, rehearsed your symptom list over and over in your head, and spoken aloud about being sick or feeling miserable. Trust Me for all the details - I know what you have on your schedule - yield joyfully and completely, and trust that I will take care of every detail.
In the past, your "sick days' have involved binge watching. But no longer! "Rest into wellness days" are days to soak in My Presence and enjoy Me. Take joy in Me, rest in the complete trust that I'm going to take care of all the details.
Do not be afraid of troublesome thoughts that beset you - yield them to Me, renounce the enemy and praise Me as though I've already worked the healing. For I have, on the cross and breaking out of the tomb - I dealt with all sickness. Now rejoice that the work is done and rest into the outworking!
When others in your household affect the atmosphere of your home by reintroducing fear, murmuring, blame or shame - allow Me to use you to take back your home for Love's purpose. Do not be afraid of their sin, just yield them to Me in joyful confidence, and sing out My Praise with joy. You can shift the atmosphere for Love just as easily!
Joy flows so naturally from the truly yielded heart. Celebrate this Truth - joy is not dependent on your circumstances or on you feeling good - joy is always available!
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Slave to Righteousness
I am calling you from glory to glory! I am calling you to do that which is wholly impossible for your flesh, but wholly possible for My Spirit!
Being a "slave to righteousness" means being completely sold out to Me - not just in intention, but also in action. I do not give you commands that I do not also empower you to complete! The enemy would have you see this as a life of legalism, but in fact it is the most completely free life you can know this side of heaven!
Do not let an unkind thought go without yielding it to me. No exceptions! Do not let an unkind word or harsh tone exit your lips. No exceptions! Not even to or about your husband or kids. This is impossible for your flesh, but possible for your spirit, as it is empowered by My resurrection life.
Your words hold the power of life and death. Decide to only allow streams of life-giving words out of your mouth!
Friday, 13 May 2016
Consistent Victory
Beloved, watch your manner towards your children. Deliberately let My Love flow out from you in patient, kind, loving care, but with boundaries. Never treat them as an inconvenience - they will pick up on this vibe very strongly without you saying a word, if this is how you see them.
Isn't it wonderful that I do not tell you how to live without also giving you access to life-giving power to live this way? What blessed joy!! Your flesh can never accomplish these things, but your spirit, empowered by My Spirit, CAN!
You can have consistent victory where the world tells you to settle for "good enough". When the world tells you that it's fine to indulge in a self-pity, even if just for a little while, I have shown you true victory is possible by bringing every impulse of the flesh to death on the cross - it is already dead, but you reckon it dead in your own life by faith. Blessed, miraculous Truth!
You are learning what it means to abide in Me, instead of having to run back to Me again and again. Stay with Me, every moment.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Bigger on the Inside!
I AM bigger than your mind can contain, yet I dwell within you. Bigger on the inside! Come and search Me out. Seek after Me! It never gets old or boring. I AM the same yesterday, today and forever; yet I am unpredictable! What a joyful paradox!
You are saved by grace alone, but it is through faith - and that requires a constant yielding on your part. A constant choosing to rest from striving and let Me lead.
In this Spirit-led life, all phrases such as, "I can't bear this right now" or "I just need a break" or "I'm too tired" declare your fleshly lack, and have no place in the Spirit-led life!
Instead, I will help you train your mind to think thoughts such as, "I draw on the springs of Living Water that flow out of my inner place" and "Love rises up in my spirit and Love is enough to cover a multitude of sins!" You have access to a bounty of Goodness, energy, Love, Spiritual fruit by faith, believing the fact that they are growing inside you already! When you declare your faith in your flesh to be insufficient and lacking, you make it so. When you declare your faith in My Spirit to provide all you need, you make it so! What power your words have!
My Words created Life, and your words can speak life or death - your choice! Yes, Beloved, I really have given you that much power! So you see, when you feel helpless and powerless, that is just another lie the enemy is using to keep you down!
"Fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. Then as you unwrap my words, they will impart to you true life and radiant health into the very core of your being. So above all, guard the affections of your heart for they affect all that you are. Out of your innermost being flows the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:21-23 (TPT)
See, I am healing you from the inside, out! Believe it, Beloved!
When someone asks you how you are, you may always answer, "Great!" - even if you are not physically feeling great. How can this be? You do not need to recount your physical ailments in order to be truthful, for your health does not define you! Your words declare and your feelings follow. So speak the fact that you are doing great (for you are, in your spirit) and the feellings will follow!
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Delicious Freedom
Beloved, what a happy Truth you are learning - that obedience to My Will is not the hard slog or miserable burden that the enemy would have you think it is. No, instead it is beautiful, blessed, lovely and desirable! What delicious freedom to relax completely into the Will of One who only wants blessing for you! One who can transform every pain and inconvenience into beauty and joy! What joy to give up every claim or attempt at control over your life to One who actually has power to make changes!
Oh My Beautiful Daughter, I am watching your discoveries with My angels - shouts of joy and excitement resound in the heavenly realm when any child of Mine discovers "new" Truths and begins to live by them.
Sweet, blessed surrender to Me as a lifestyle and habit is the key to truly victorious and fruitful living. Long have you known this in theory, and even experientially in part, but consistency and constancy have evaded you. No longer!
Monday, 9 May 2016
Dynamic Life and Power
Beloved, I am teaching you to do all things from this place of Love. This is impossible for the flesh, but possible for the spirit made alive in Christ! You have a choice about how you respond in every situation - from the flesh or from the spirit. The flesh has enjoyed rulership - or at least shared reign - for too long now, but dead flesh cannot lead you anywhere except the grave!
Your spirit is coming alive more fully each day - it is already fully alive, but it is waking up to that life! Let your spirit take the lead!
Beloved, it is for FREEDOM that I have set you free! I am thrilled that you are finally realising what this means on a consistent level. I see your sorrow that it has taken your whole lifetime as a Christian, soaked in a Christian environment to realise this experientially! But, My Darling, I say to you as Nehemiah and Ezra said to the people as they wept to hear the Law read: "Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."
My godly sorrow leads you to repentance, but you are never to set up camp there. You move straight out into the wide open fields of My Grace in rejoicing and celebration!
"Beloved ones, God has called us to live a life of freedom in the
Holy Spirit...Freedom means that we become so completely free of
self-indulgence that we become servants of one another, expressing love
in all we do. For love completes the laws of God. All of the Law can be
summarised in one grand statement:
"Demonstrate love to your neighbour, even as you care for and love yourself."
...As you yield freely and fully to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self-life. For your self-life craves the things that offend the Holy Spirit and hinder him from living free within you! And the Holy Spirit's intense cravings hinder your old self-life from dominating you! The Holy Spirit is the only One who defeats the cravings of your natural life...But when you are brought into the full freedom of the Spirit of Grace, you will no longer be living under the dominion of the law, but soaring above it!" (Galatians 5:13-18, TPT)
"But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit
within you is divine love in all its various expressions. This love is
revealed through:
Joy that overflows,
Peace that subdues,
Patience that endures,
Kindness in action,
A life full of virtue,
Faith that prevails,
Gentleness of heart, and
Strength of spirit.
Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless." (Galatians 5:22-23, TPT)
Joy that overflows,
Peace that subdues,
Patience that endures,
Kindness in action,
A life full of virtue,
Faith that prevails,
Gentleness of heart, and
Strength of spirit.
Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless." (Galatians 5:22-23, TPT)
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Healing in Progress
Moving by the impulses of My Spirit who dwells in you - this is the only way you can "pace yourself". By keeping pace with Me. When I prompt a stop and rest moment, listen and obey, even if you feel that you are "on a roll". Too often, you have ignored My prompts to rest and have pushed yourself too hard as a result.
It is impossible to be lazy if you are following the impulses of My Spirit! Therefore, Rest is without guilt. Guild would rob you of the peace and joy of rest in My Presence, but it has no place here!
This is how you can heal - not by figuring it all out with the help of doctors and specialists (I use them on this journey, but the source of healing is not in them) - but here, from this place of Love-Rest. All healing flows from My River of Life!
I am healing you from the inside out. I am starting in the innermost places - your thoughts and your sacred garden - transformation starts here and radiates outwards like ripples on a lake's surface. Your healing has begin and is in progress right now! Celebrate this Truth, Beloved!
I am re-writing the narrative of your life, My Precious One! No long "I am a helpless sinner", but now, "I am victorious in Christ! I am an overcomer!" It is your purpose to live a victorious, thriving life no matter what circumstances you are faced with! I never intended you to live stuck in cycles of hopelessness or powerlessness, feeling like life is happening to you and you are unable to do anything about it.
Your victory is not dependent on things going your way! This is freedom, Beloved! It is not dependent on adverse circumstances to rise above, either. You were intended to be more than a conqueror in all things!
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Reign of Fear is Over
Let's talk about what Love looks like. Let's talk about My Parenting in Love. I do not vindictively punish you, My Precious, but I do leave you to the natural consequences of your sin when you refuse to obey. I do not force you, I step back and let you resist and experience the pain of those consequences. The "hell of your own making". Learn from the way I parent you as you seek to parent your children from Love rather than Fear.
Beloved, I am casting out the fear of man and fear of punishment with My Perfect Love!! You are learning these lessons, and it is time to demonstrate these to your kids too. I am cutting off the spirit of fear over your household! Fear of man, fear of punishment, fear of not being able to control - gone, in My Name!
I declare the reign of fear is over in this family and this home! A new day is dawning! The barren season is over and gone.
Trust My guiding with your kids. As I live in you and through you, I will show you how to love them and how to shepherd their hearts as I shepherd yours. Beloved, drink deep of My Living Water, and remember the spring is within you. You need to remember to draw from it in every situation, especially when your kids are behaving in ways that bring out fear in you! You are a powerful person Beloved, because My power is alive in you!
"My prayer for you is that every moment you will experience the measureless power of God made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you! This is the explosive power.
Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting-place of his love will become the very source and root of your life, providing you with a secure foundation that grows and grows.
Then, as your spiritual strength increases, you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences - the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding - this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God!
Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energises you." (Ephesians 3:16-20, TPT)
Friday, 6 May 2016
Through Eyes of Love
Rest in My Presence is as important as nourishing yourself on My Word. There must be both in your day for you to be in balance.
In physical training, the muscles are worked hard and then rested. The rest helps to allow muscles to grow. The rest period is just as important as the work period - it is what makes the work effective.
Do not be quick to rush from the place of rest, even into reading Truth. This place of rest is where your heart and mind can make space for all you are learning, without becoming overwhelmed!
Embrace the rest with patience and joy! Let My Love wash over you, soothing any ache or pain, carrying your questions and concerns away - they are safe with Me, Beloved. We will address them when you are ready. You can trust them to Me!
Let us slow dance for a while, My Dear. I'll carry you, let Me carry your whole weight. You are weightless in My arms as we sway back and forth. Not a care in the world! Weariness gone! Perfectly loved and safely held!
I love how you LOVE this time with Me above all else! It thrills My heart how you desire Me and My Ways! How willing your heart is to say, "Behold, I am your handmaiden - Acceptance with Joy!
Let's get your eyes off the ways you are falling short, and back on
My Face. You long to see everyone through eyes of Love, but you are
fretting about the bad habits you have that keep tripping you up in this
area. Beloved, gaze deep into My eyes of Love as we dance. The more you
gaze into My eyes of Love, the transformation takes place! I transfer
My sight to your eyes through the gaze of Love! So stare into My eyes
and be transfixed, held in this place as long as you can bear it. It
burns, Beloved! My gaze of Love burns away the milky film over your
eyes. I am healing the cataracts of impatience, disdain, uncaring,
superiority...they belong to the flesh that is DEAD! You were made to
see with eyes of Love. My gaze is restoring your true vision as I
intended it to be!
"The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your
eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye
is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness." (Matthew 6:22-23)
"Your revelation eyes are pure, like pools of refreshing - sparkling light for a multitude." (Song of Songs 7:4, TPT)
"But God has taught me that no love is real
love until it is WILLINGNESS TO LOVE ALL with no exceptions; and that
the more sinful, blemished, and unlovely a person is, the more he needs
love. More love - not less - toward those who are obviously spoiled and
marred and sin-sick - that's God's way. Then I was shown that love does
not begin in the feelings at all - it begins in the will. To be willing
at last to love all, individual by individual, as we are brought into
contact with them, is to be ABLE to love all. We must begin quite
deliberately to act toward them as though we really do love them and are
willing to bear everything unlovely about them just because we want to
love them. Then love comes, first as a trickle, then as a stream, then
as a flood, till, like the river of life in Ezekiel, the waters which at
first came only to the ankles, then to the knees, then higher still,
became at last "waters to swim in."
Love is light, and when love
has opened our inner eyes we see things in their true light - a whole
new landscape of reality and truth is spread out before us and we see
beauties and wonders of the realm of God which we never before even
glimpsed, nor suspected to exist." ("Walking Among the Unseen", by Hannah Hurnard)
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Let Rushing Cease
There are so many things I am teaching you. Do not fret that you will forget it if you do not get a chance to write it down. Trust that I who gave it to you the first time can tell you again when you are ready to write it down.
Relax into My Love. Breathe Me in deeply. Let all the rushing cease. You have been longing from the moment you woke to come away with Me, and have been searching for an opportunity. Well, here we are!
There is refreshing in My Presence! Fresh joy for a fresh day, Beloved! My resurrection Life is alive in You! Flesh died, Spirit raised to Life! Rejoice, Beloved!
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Bread of Life
Manna from heaven...these are My words for you - fresh every day! Each day, new truths for you to chew over, with perfect nutrition your spirit needs for this day. Have your ears open to hear what I have for you not try to regurgitate yesterday's food. Feed on Me, the Bread of Life.
"Jesus said to them, 'I am the Bread of Life. Come every day to me and you will never be hungry. Believe in me and you will never be thirsty.'" (John 6:35, TPT)
"...But if anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never thirst again and will be forever satisfied! For when you drink the water I give you it becomes a gushing fountain of the Holy Spirit, springing up and flooding you with endless life!" (John 4:14, TPT)
Each time you feel frustrated, see it as a signal that you need to examine your attitude and lean into Me. If your kids' behaviour is frustrating you, let your spirit lead the response, not your flesh. If you catch yourself saying, "These kids are driving me crazy!" - Stop, speak out blessing over them immediately! Do not be afraid to correct yourself. There are bad habits of thoughts and speech that I am exposing as inconsistent with my Spirit-life in you. These habits have already been put to death with your flesh, with Me on the cross, so take up new habits by allowing your spirit to stay connected to My Spirit.
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Use Difficulties Creatively
The secret to victorious living is to let Me turn every single negative, unwelcome experience you face into something lovely and beautiful by helping you respond to it with joyfully confident yielding to Me. I know you have already begun to grasp and live this magnificent and astounding Truth in some circumstances, but Precious One, it can go so much further!
Every day, you are faced with countless opportunities to practise this! You do not need to wait for particularly adverse circumstances to test it out! You have endless opportunities with your children's behaviour alone! Every tantrum, every refusal to obey, every rude word spoken, every argument between are giving up your right to respond with rolled eyes, an impatient "Come on!", a huff and puff, or any other expression of displeasure.
Let Me turn your displeasure into sweet pleasure by your patient, joyfully confident submission to Me!
Try it, Beloved! You will be amazed at the power of this tool to change the atmosphere of your home! Not only so, but you will also be setting an example to your children of how to respond to unpleasant circumstances without letting your feelings boss you around. Win-win!!
"The heavenly attitude toward sorrow and grief and all experiences of suffering in this world is in total contrast to the natural attitude we know so well. Our Lord was "acquainted with grief" and suffering, and caused great good to come out of it. Not that we are to seek these things, but we are never to fear them. We should rather use them. God, who so loves us that he allows us, like his own dear Son, to learn obedience by the things we suffer (Hebrews 5:8), wants us to use them creatively. There would be no suffering and no sorrow permitted to God's children unless all such experiences were, in actual fact, a means to heavenly and eternal blessing which could not otherwise be ours...
There can be poison in the cup of sorrow, however - but only if we put it there ourselves by reacting to these mournful circumstances with self-pity, resentment, and angry struggles to evade the cup instead of drinking it!
...If we react to difficult situations with trust in God, difficult, unlovely, overwhelming, and disastrous things will bring praise and glory to God forever. Out of all our testing circumstances, by reacting to them in the heavenly way, we produce heavenly treasures. We have a lovely example of this in the material world, for really precious jewels, such as the diamond and ruby, are formed under immense and terrible pressure or by fiercest heat!
...Christ taught us the real secret for transforming earthly and temporary experiences into eternal treasure. It is this principle of sorrow rightly received, with joyful trust and glad submission, grief as God desires it to be used." (Hannah Hurnard, in "Walking Among The Unseen")
Monday, 2 May 2016
Your Unique Talents
"Your lives light up the world. Let others see your light from a distance, for how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop? And who would light a lamp and then hide it in an obscure place? Instead, it's placed where everyone in the house can benefit from its light. So don't hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that the commendable things that you do will shine as light upon them, and then they will give praise to their Father in heaven." (Matt 5:14-16, TPT)
"How enriched you are when you crave righteousness! For you will be surrounded with fruitfulness." (Matt 5:6, TPT)
Beloved, I see you are so hungry to see fruit - real, salvation fruit! You do not want this new way of living to only benefit yourself. You know your own weakness and you are longing to see Me use you to draw others to myself.
Relax into My Presence, Dear One! I am going to do it in My Way, and My time. Just keep listening! I am going to use your own unique talents and skills and giftings to bless others and show them Love. Craft nights, prophetic embroidery, short stories, words for people, handwritten letters, handmade chocolates, care, joy, joy!!
Things you love to do, when poured out onto other people, increase the joy exponentially! Joy unspeakable, Beloved! Partnering with Me is such you for you and for Me!
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Rescue Mission
You are on a rescue mission, Beloved. I want you to love people to Me. I will show you the hungry ones, the people who are already searching. Keep your eyes and ears open to My leading every day. Be on the look-out, "more than watchmen search for morning."
This is My heart for the lost...I long to set them free from slavery to themselves, from slavery to the law of sin. Will you partner with Me? Are you willing to truly care? Are you willing to be inconvenienced, annoyed, delayed and detoured?
Beloved, it gives Me such joy that you are willing! I am so happy to have another willing person "with skin on" to pour out My Love on the people you come into contact with.
"Walk in the wisdom of God as you live before unbelievers, and make it your duty to make him known. Let every word you speak be drenched with grace and tempered with truth and clarity. For then you will be prepared to give a respectful answer to anyone who asks you about your faith." (Colossians 4:5-6, TPT)
Beloved, people will ask, so be prepared and let Me give you the words!
"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behaviour in Christ may be ashamed of their slander." (1 Peter 3:15-16)
I am cutting off fear of man - not that you will not care about others; in fact, just the opposite - so you can love them enough to demonstrate My Love in your life without fear. No need to worry about being "socially appropriate" or "fitting in" - you are called to Love extravagantly, ,and Love disdains social protocols. Love is a higher law. This is what you are agreeing to, Beloved!
"Take a constant interest in the needs of God's beloved people and respond by helping them. And eagerly welcome people as guests into your home." (Romans 12:13, TPT)
"Friends, this world is not your home, so don't make yourselves cosy in it. Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices. Then they'll be won over to God's side and be there to join in the celebration when he arrives. Make the Master proud of you by being good citizens. Respect the authorities, whatever their level; they are God's emissaries for keeping order. It is God's will that by doing good, you might cure the ignorance of the fools who think you're a danger to society. Exercise your freedom by serving God, not by breaking the rules. Treat everyone you meet with dignity. Love your spiritual family. Revere God. Respect the government." (1 Peter 2:11-17)
I am so excited that you are letting Me lead you in this Dance of Love, bringing colour and light to the lives of those who desperately need it! Let's dance, Beloved!
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