Sunday, 30 August 2015

Relax Into My Presence

My precious daughter, I see you grappling with this concept of leaning into Me. You understand it intellectually, but you are finding it hard to truly live it.

Remember when you were learning how to float in the swimming pool? Do you remember how terrified you felt? How you did not believe that the water could truly hold you? And so, you flailed around in the water, kicking and splashing; refusing to lean into the water's holding. You saw the water's turbulence as proof that it could not hold you, when in fact, it was your own struggle that was causing the turbulence. It was not until you learned to breathe through your fear and relax into the water that you discovered the water's power to buoy you up. You had to believe somebody else's report that this was an attribute of water, that it could hold you. You had to cling to this truth as you breathed through your fear.

So it is with Me, Beloved. I want you to learn to relax into My Presence, just as you learned how to relax into the knowledge that the water could hold you. Stop flailing around, My Dear One, stop kicking and splashing. Your struggle is creating the turbulence that you sense around you. I do have the power to hold you, Beloved! You need to cling to this Truth as you breathe through your fear. Relax into My Presence and find the place of calm I have for you.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Sit With Uncertainty

You just want to know all of the answers right now. But this is a time of uncertainty, a time of waiting, a time of leaning into Me. You are desperate for answers; the not knowing is causing you such anxiety, yet you seek answers in the natural realm. I have all the answers, you should know this by now. I have all the answers, I see every minute of your future and yet I don't let you know too much in advance.

Rest in Me, beloved. Sit with the uncertainty - breathe into it, just sit and breathe and rest in Me.

I am with you.  Know this Truth with your whole being. What would you do if you knew her surgery date right now? Would you suddenly become calm? Would you have no stress at all? Would you know exactly what to do about child care arrangements, about sorting out all the issues that are weighing on your mind? No, you would be even more anxious, wouldn't you? Your mind would be buzzing trying to sort out every last detail. Is that helpful? So much could change between now and then. You just have to trust Me with the details. I've got this. Really, I do! 

You have asked Me to help you learn to manage stress better. Well, Beloved, this is it! This is a perfect opportunity for you to learn to manage stress! Just lean into Me and trust Me with the details. That is all I ask. It is no use wasting your energy worrying about these things that you cannot control and you cannot change.

I see you struggling to move from the intellectual understanding of this concept to the actual living of this. You need to carve out time in your day to rest in Me. Any time will do. I am here, available 24/7. Every moment you can grab to lean into Me will be worth it. Every moment will count, every time you lean into Me instead of bearing this burden on your own shoulders - every time will lighten your load. You worry about the impact this added stress is having on your health. Well listen to this, Beloved - you can lessen the impact by leaning into Me. But I can do better than this! I can actually help you improve your long-term health by the lessons you learn about how to manage your stress during this difficult time. Do you believe I can?

Believe it or not My sweet, I have big plans for you! I really do. I know this time has been incredibly hard for you, but I do care! I do love you, so very, very much! So for now, let's sit with the uncertainty and just be.