Wednesday, 8 October 2014

The River

"For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self control." 2 Timothy 2:7

Every day, fear whispers to you. Calling you to rehearse the "what ifs"; telling you that you can't face this or that; urging you to try to plan for every contingency. Learn to identify fear's voice so that you can shut it down. 

My Spirit is in direct opposition to fear. 
My Spirit gives Life, while fear drains you. 
My Spirit frees you, while fear enslaves you. 
My Spirit mobilizes you, while fear causes you to freeze. 
My Spirit enables you to exercise tremendous self control, while fear keeps you as a victim of your own urges and cravings. 
My Spirit gives you strength, while fear convinces you you are too weak to cope. 
My Spirit empowers you to make wise choices in spite of exhaustion, while fear confuses you. 

Let the voice of My Spirit drown out the voice of fear. My Spirit speaks in Love. Fear would like to keep you dry and dehydrated, stuck out in the desert. Come to the River, Beloved. Come, drink and live! Can you hear the River roar? My Spirit is Life. Hear the gushing of the water, and come near. The River is powerful and flowing fast, and fear would keep you away. Hear Me calling you and come. Come, dear one, and jump in! 

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Hope in the Living God

Dear one, you need to let go of the resentment you feel about being woken early day after day. Stop trying to fight for an extra hour or two of sleep and use the time to seek Me instead. Remember - your hope is in the Living God, who is your Saviour (1 Timothy 4:10). Your hope is in Me for eternity, but also for each day here on earth. In your exhaustion, your hope is in Me to carry you through this day. You do not journey alone. I am with you in the chaos and confusion of each day. I know your deep, aching weariness and I am your salvation. 

Lean back into My arms, Beloved. To truly Hope in Me is to surrender all your anxious thoughts. All of your plans. All of your energy. I can multiply your yielded energy tenfold. I can rearrange your plans so that you can focus only on what is needful. I can transform your anxious thoughts into peace-filled trust. Put your hope again in Me, the Living God, for this day.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Bundle of "Shoulds"

Just receive My Love afresh this morning, Beloved! Let your mind be still, and focus on Me. 

Drop that heavy bundle of "shoulds" at My feet. You picked that up all by yourself. It is not My intention for you to carry that around!

When you are "too busy" to come away with Me, you invite "D.I.Y. mode" to rule your life. 

Beloved, you need daily cuddles with your Daddy. My embrace actually impacts on your neurological development. Intimacy with Me changes the wiring in your brain. You can always make time for this!