Friday, 28 February 2014

Trust Me

Trust is a sacrifice that costs you your right to worry, and your right to do things in your own strength. It means giving up the illusion of control - but not being passive. It means taking charge and acting in accordance with what I am revealing to you - often tiny steps at a time! 

Trust is so beautiful to Me, My daughter. It must be given willingly, or it is not trust. It is a radical way for you to live. Imagine trusting Me so completely that you have no fear of anything. Being so focused on drawing near to Me, to hear the one next step to take, tuned out to all worry, all "what ifs", all fear. 

Fear makes you do silly, rash things. When you live your life in YOUR strength, you are ruled by fear. Total trust in Me is incredibly freeing, though it can cost you so much to take that step. 

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Let Me Fill You

This is what I ask of you - trust Me now. Today. In this moment. Please stop wasting your time and energy worrying about the future. Just trust Me, and be with Me today. 

You have been filling your mind and body with unhealthy fuel. Just let Me fill you instead. Then you will  not be perpetually fatigued. Stop speaking out exhaustion over yourself. 

Speak instead that you are rested, refreshed and recharged in Me. Believe this, truly! Trust Me for today's energy. For energy equal to today's tasks. Each time you find yourself running dry, instead of lamenting how exhausted you feel, calmly come to Me and refill! It's as simple as that! 

You keep resisting things that you know are good for you - healthy foods, doing exercises, watching podcasts, having a nap...This is your way of hanging on to your pride - trying to do it in your own strength! Just let go, and you will grow stronger! 

You look all around yourself, and view your surroundings in terms of how far you are falling short of your self-appointed standards of wife-dom and motherhood. This is not helpful! 

Listen to My voice instead. Let Me guide you in how to spend your time. The answer to all of your inner turmoil can be found by focusing on Me, drawing near to Me, loving on Me. Forget yourself in the wonder of loving Me.

Thursday, 20 February 2014


When you are at your tiredest, you are at your most vulnerable. Vulnerable to attacks on your mind, your thought-life. This is when you need to draw near to Me even MORE frequently! Not just in desperation, but also in confidence. 

I have given you everything you need for life and godliness - on your weakest days just as much as on your strongest. My Presence in your life is all you need to stay on track. How sweet is this time of intimacy that we have each day? Well, it doesn't have to end when you go out of this room...

I want you to experience this intimacy all through your day. Imagine - in the midst of major mealtime battles - My Presence pervading your heart! How different would your response be? 

You cultivate My Presence by your choices through the day. Please let Me influence your thoughts more than a TV program. More than Etsy. More than "how you feel". 

Meditate on Psalm 23 - a psalm of cultivating My Presence. Residing in My Presence. Truly dwelling. How living this truth could change your outlook, your default response in times of frustration and difficulty!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

How Much Do You Want This?

Be aware, My daughter, that the choices you make during the day affect how easy it is for you to tune into My Presence. If you REALLY want My Presence to be more manifest in your everyday life and moments, then you may need to tune some other voices out. 

This is the testing time. How seriously are you taking this journey? Are you really prepared to trust in Me, and stay close to My Presence in the midst of frustrating and confusing circumstances? The principle remains the same - keep drawing near to Me today! Whenever the circumstances spiral out of control, find yourself with Me, listening to Me. Let me guide your heart's response. 

Sleep is NOT your saviour - for you or for your children. I can help you survive all day, and even thrive. Rest in Me, seek My peace and pursue it. 

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Live From My Presence

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Live from My Presence, dear one. Let each attitude, choice, word, thought flow from this place of intimacy with Me. Do not fear what MAY be - whether or not you will have strength to face the day, whether you ought to see the do this or that, whether you have the money for this or that. 

Live from My Presence. Trust Me, the Miracle Maker, to walk with you through each moment! 

Stay centred in Me, and don't allow the bumps along the track to derail your focus on Me. When you find yourself derailed - stop and refocus. Connect with Me. 

Be dogged in your determination to keep drawing near to Me. Let this be your heart's mandate during this day. 

Monday, 17 February 2014

Just BE With Me

Just BE with me. Just breathe Me in, away from the busyness of the day. Don't rush away. And don't be task-focused in your time with Me - checking off your prayer requests list, doing your allotted reading, making notes...all good things, but what I want most right now is YOU, as you are, just resting in My arms.

You don't always have to be achieving and accomplishing things! Discover the joy of just being in this moment with Me. It is like when your son or daughter come to you and climb up in your lap just to snuggle because they love you. Not because they have an ouchy, or need comfort, or feel sick - just because they WANT TO! Remember what power that has to touch your heart! I know you love to give them cuddles, regardless of the reason, but how extra special is it when they are coming of their own accord, just to love on you!

I have given you this special power to touch My heart, to give Me such joy. Discover what joy there is in giving Me joy!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Keep Your Eyes On Me

Keep your eyes on Me. Again, I tell you - this involves training yourself to turn your heart to Me hundreds of times a day. 

You have been feeling very overwhelmed this week - like you were drowning. And the result is this exhausting striving in your own strength, striving to "catch up" somehow. But you have hated who you become when in this desperate, striving state - your relationships with those you love best all suffer. 

My darling, you waste your energy running after temporary things, striving for control in a temporal world. When you fail, you are miserable; but when you succeed, it's at the cost of those relationships around you. 

Stop this grasping. Rest in Me. Turn your heart-eyes to Me. Really, turn them - not just the desperate calling on My name while you do your own thing! This is using My name in vain! You are teaching your children, by example, that My name has no real power - just someone to whinge to! 

Friday, 7 February 2014

Each Moment

Learn to walk with Me each moment. This is part of what it means to be on your guard. Be switched ON to My voice, My Presence. Stand firm in the faith, by coming back to My Presence persistently, a thousand times a day. For to be able to do everything in love, you need to be constantly in touch with the source of love. You cannot forge love, or fake it, or do it in your own strength. Even (or especially) with your own children. Come to Me for fresh love for them at every chance. 

Refuse to let world-weariness and task-busyness keep you from coming to Me. Practise this act of putting aside what engrosses you in the moment, to sneak a breath or two in My arms. I'm not asking you to have "devotion" fifty times a day. Just don't tune out! 

I know you automatically tune out at present, so practise tuning back in. It only takes a minute. See how often you can pull your attention back to Me today. It will get easier, I promise! 

1 Corinthians 16:13