Friday, 31 January 2014

Lay Them Down!

You are worried and troubled about many things. Just lay them down and enter My rest. You cannot enter My rest whilst carrying burdens, so lay them down! Leave them at the cross, enter through the empty tomb. 

Just because you desire everything to be sorted, neat, tidy, perfect...does not mean this is what you NEED. You must learn what it means to be truly present with Me in spite of your surroundings. This starts with the state of your physical surroundings, but as you learn to be with Me in spirit regardless of what your house looks like, it will help you to sit with Me through uncomfortable circumstances also. 

Let My Presence touch your anxious heart and set it free. You do not need to be so stressed about things around you. 

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

As Your Heart Aches

My daughter, just carry My Presence with you, and you will be comforted, even as your heart aches. Trust Me to guide your actions, as your daughter trusts you to guide hers. Lean into My love, there you will find all the true security in the world. Trust her to Me, know I care about her infinitely more than you do.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

My Goodness IS My Presence

You need to get it into your heart and mind that My goodness is not equal to trouble-free circumstances, My goodness IS My Presence. I AM goodness! 

1 Corinthians 2:9-16

You can access My thoughts whenever you desire. You just have to position yourself to receive a download, and just ask Me. I long to share My thoughts with you daily, My darling daughter. Please, please, can you find a way to make it happen?

You need to love Me more than craft, sleep, food, your husband, your kids!